MST3KFanvids has moved!

You will be redirected in about 60 seconds if you don't go there on your own. Why not read the rest if you've chosen to wait it out.

NOTICE: On October 20, 2009, the The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database website was moved, because it's previous hosting service (Geocities!) was closing for good. Chances are, if you're seeing this page, then you know about the new address already.

Please, don't keep it a secret.
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In any case, due to the impending closing of the free Geocities! web-hosting service on October 26, 2009, the whole site was picked up and moved to a whole new hosting service and is sporting a shiny, new domain! Enjoy the ol' site as much as you ever did. It hasn't changed. Yet?