The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database
Historical Record
This is the history of the MST3KFanvids website. All updates and revisions will be noted in this historical record. Check here when referencing anything in the Database to ensure the accuracy of your information. News and Announcements entries are not noted in the history, but history entries are often associated with new news or announcements, so check there for clarification. For directions to parts of the Database mentioned (and not mentioned) here, use the Main Index.
The end of history.
11 March 2009:
Moved the site map/main index to the homepage and redirected appropriate internal links.
12 February 2008:
Added a rumor entry and a classified ad for "Anthony Hostetler/Antfarm Productions".
Updated the BMC5K rumor.
Removed Pedge Jameson's rumor entry to the dead projects page.
23 December 2007:
Added Scotteration, Incorperated to the list of producers.
Added Movies From The Crypt to The List and made appropriate FPIC and Details additions for the first 15 episodes.
17 December 2007:
Created FPIC pages for, and added Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks and Doctor Who: The Krotons to the experiments list.
Updated the MT337 live-performance entry.
Added Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conspiracy and Star Trek: A Private Little War to the experiments list.
Updated the MTT3K live-performance entry.
Fixed appropriate links to pages on the revamped BMC5K website.
21 October 2007:
Updated the MFT3000 rumor.
23 September 2007:
Moved the The VHS Hole: Why Doesn't Cathy Eat Breakfast? rumor entry to The List.
Added an FPIC page and Details entry for The VHS Hole: Why Doesn't Cathy Eat Breakfast?
Added Pete Lane and Iconocrat Productions to the list of producers.
Updated the TVHSH rumor.
Added Ocean Springs, Mississippi to the locations.
19 August 2007:
Added The VHS Hole to the rumors.
Added the script for MSTF 10.
Updated the MSTF live-performance entry and live-show announcement.
Added a want-ad for Pete Lane.
Added Providence, Rhode Island to the locations.
Updated the MFT3000 rumor.
Updated the MTT3K live-show announcement.
Updated the MT337 live-show announcements.
08 August 2007:
Added the "Gymkata MiSTing" to The List, The Details and FPIC.
Added "Texas Noncon 95" to the list of venues.
24 June 2007:
Updated the MT337 live-show announcement.
Removed the Nigiykaza live-show announcement.
Updated the MSTF live-show announcement.
Updated the MTT3K live-show announcement.
Updated the MST3K:SW rumor entry.
25 February 2007:
Updated the MT337 live-show announcement and live-performance entry.
Updated the Nigiykaza live-show announcement.
04 January 2007:
Added links to the scripts for MT337 episodes 2000-01, 2002-01, 2002-02, 2003-02, 2004-01, 2004-02, 2005-02, 2006-01, and 2006-02 to the scripts section.
Added scripts for BMC5K: Shorts Spectacular! Volume 1 to the scripts section.
02 January 2007:
Verified all external links except those on the old news page.
Removed the Ryan K. Johnson rumor entry.
Moved Michael Herrick, Perfect Pencils, Mutant Chick Flicks/The Oliver Show, Flaming Turkey Productions(Warning: May Contain Nudity 20,000), Mystery Video Game Theater 3000, Mystery Fan Theater 3502, Dakka Brothers Productions(Mystery Science Aquatheater 3000), and HashMaster 9000 Productions(Enigma Education Dramatics 100cc) from the rumors page to the page for dead, abandoned, and forgotten projects.
Added new history and news pages and made appropriate link changes across the website.
Updated the MSTF live-performance entry.
Added FPIC pages for MSTF performances in 2005 and 2006.
Added scripts for MSTF 8 and 9.
Updated the Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 live-performance entry.
Added FPIC pages for every MTT3K performance since 1992.
Updated the Mysterious Theater 337 live-performance entry, and made appropriate FPIC additions.
Created the Fish List feature.
Added Spoony, InterWeb Theater 5000, Josh Way(Fun with Shorts), and You Tube Theater entries to the Fish List, including all episodes through the end of 2006 for each.
Added appropriate FPIC additions for The Spoony Experiment episodes 5,6, and 7.
Added appropriate FPIC additions for InterWeb Theater 5000 and Josh Way(Fun With Shorts).
Updated the VSPMAT lie-performance entry.
"Adam Cadre" added to the Fish List.
At first, there was a history page.
Then, The Author maintained the website for four years.
And then, The Author created the new history page to replace the original history page.