The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database
*News and Announcements*
**January 2003 through December 2006**
Everything below is as it was, from the launch of the original website at the very beginning of 2003 (with the Hello Kitty theme, yes) to the very end of 2006. Newer new news can be found on the the newer news page that succeeded this one. (Links were not re-verified, and will not be, ever, so follow them at your own risk.)
This is where you will find news and announcements concerning this website and Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan-productions in general. New fanvid projects will be announced here and also listed on the rumors page until they have been completed and confirmed. Upcoming live-performances will be announced here and also listed on the upcoming live-performances page until they have been performed. Afterwhich, they can be found on the past performances page. Changes to this website and additions to the Database are noted on the history page. Of course, everything can be found via the Main Index page.
25 December 2006:
Merry Christmas!
23 November 2006:
Gobble Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving to you! Turkey and cranberry sauce rule the school!
06 November 2006:
Matthew J. Sanderson has released another episode of Interweb Theater 5000 to the YouTube sensation. The newest experiment is a tasty and informative short called Let's Make a Sandwich. Matthew has also posted on his "blog" that he's thinking about doing an episode with a full length movie as the experiment and poses four possibilities for discussion.
Website Feature Notice: For the past few years, there has been a tutorial for making your own shadowrama effect on the cheap. Check out the tutorials section via the Main Index and look for "Cheap Shadowrama".
18 October 2006:
The news page on the No Theater website is called "Whathappa?". There was one NT episode, but nobody knows whathappa to there being anymore. What is known, though, is that in the mean time, the kids today started getting into this new fangled thing called "You Tube"... when they weren't busy with their Beck's and their 23-Skidoo's, that is. Within the last few months, two people have cropped up on YouTube doing their own sans-shadowrama fanvids. No Theater was the first fanvid to feature only an audio riff track on top of public domain Prelinger Archive material, but now there are three separate incarnations of this modus. The second two are: Interweb Theater 5000, by Matthew J. Sanderson of New Jersey; and Fun With Shorts by Josh Way of Poughkeepsie, NY. So far, they have made 3 and 19 episodes respectively. Both guys are single goers, not unlike B-Movie Central 5000's Jason Soto. You can watch the videos off YouTube from the provided links, and if you've seen them all, don't worry-- Josh writes on his YouTube profile, "New short(s) posted every weekend!".
Speaking of YouTube and speaking of Jason Soto and speaking of new fangled, Jason Soto has been up to no good on YouTube as well. Instead of more episodes of BMC5K, or writing reviews of b-movies for his newest website, he's been doing video blogs. First, he was the "Masked Interviewer", then he went non-sub-rosic (un-incognito?) for some video blogging as himself. Anyhoo, whacha gonna do? YouTube: It's the new new fangled. (Your fangle may vary.)
24 September 2006:
MSTF Next Thursday! Botcon officially starts next Saturday, but one of the things going on BEFORE the con starts is a live performance of MSTF, the Transformers-based, MST3K style live-show. This will make a personal best of two performances in one year for MSTF, which starts at 10PM, this up-coming Thursday (September 28). It's for pre-registered folks, but you can still get in for a charitable donation if you haven't pre-registered. Last year it was to the Red Cross, but this year it could be to Make A Wish Foundation or even Toys For Tots. The experimental content of the performance of MSTF will be a secret until showtime, like always, but you can be certain it will be Transformers universe related.
Phantom Mystery. Ever heard of Toronto Trek? Ever heard of Mystery Phantom Menace? Ever heard of Canada? More later.
09 September 2006:
Back in the Saddle. According to its producer, John S. Walker, Vaguely Specific Productions, having previously been reported as having disbanded, are back together and have produced another MST3K-style video to be shown at the Nan Desu Con, an anime convention being held October 6-8 in Denver, Colorado. The experiment chosen was the anime Techno Police and it will be dubutted that Saturday. This will be the groups fifth convid. In years past, MAT was put on late at night, sometimes as part of a block of older MAT videos. There's no indication if that's how things will play this time. As of now, the NDK website has no published schedule. So, if you're going, make sure to find out when MAT is showing or else you'll be surprised when something else comes on the screen.
17 August 2006:
Noah Antwiler was kind enough to provide the script for the very first The Spoony Experiment experiment, Dungeons & Dragons. He wrote a program to generate a blank script with two hours of time codes, in one second increments, to make writing the script easier. Both are now available in the Scriptory, along with loads of other scripts.
11 August 2006:
Noah Antwiler was kind enough to provide the scripts to the The Spoony Experiment experiments Starship Troopers, Matrix: Revolutions, and Judge Dredd. They can now be downloaded from the Scriptory.
10 August 2006:
There's a new experiment over at the The Spoony Experiment website. Noah Antwiler, famed writer for the Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine's Gamer's Rant on the Movies column, is the producer of these audio-only commentary tracks that you listen to while watching your own copy of the right DVD. It's the same idea as Michael J. Nelson's Rifftrax, but Noah started doing it back in 2004. (It's not the first time Mike's come in second to fan-made projects. The last time it was Reefer Madness.) This fourth installment, coming exactly two years to the month after the last installment, features riffs for the movie Judge Dredd, starring Rocky Balboa and Deuce Bigalow. You can download it, and the first three, for free-- just look in the features section of the Spoony website. While you're there, you can even read the screenplay to Noah's unrealized feature length film "FLGS", about a band of gamers and their "friendly local game store".
28 July 2006:
The folks at Mystery Spatula Theater 11 will be presenting an episode at this year's GenCon, a gaming convention, at 8PM that Friday (August 11). MST11 producer Max Duhan says the it will be the premier of the their latest taped episode, featuring as the experiment the movie Dungeon & Dragons.
Tidbit 337. There is a commercial for the PBS show Antiques Roadshow where an old dude brings in a blanket and there are shots of people watching the show in their own homes and guessing what the appraisal price will be. It turns out to be a real lot of money, but what's most interesting is that one of the people is Mysterious Theatre 337's own Peter DePalma! He's the one trying to feed a real life baby with a bottle.
04 July 2006: Happy Independence Day, America!
The United States of America celebrates the anniversary of its declaration of independence from England. Fireworks are exploded and hot dogs are eaten to frighten away any would-be British overlords. For a review of a movie based on these events, check out B-Movie Central 5000 producer, Jason Soto's, new movie review website called Invasion of the B-Movies. It's what he's been doing since he went on an extended, open-ended hiatus from BMC5K. Incidentally, the movie in question was also a BMC5K experiment.
Pedge Jameson has re-changed the address to his MST3K: Second Wave website to The old domain "" is now one of those spammy, place-holder sites, so make sure to use the new address. The latest news on the project itself is that taping of host segments for the first episode is to begin this month.
The website for Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 is down, indefinately, but the project isn't... anymore. In May, the folks at MFT3000 had the first writing session for their next experiment, The Eliminators. This will be the fourth MFT episode, and a fifth episode is also being thought about. There is no estimated completion date at this time, for either episode.
Moon Base Nine Update. The third episode of Moon Base Nine was completed some months ago. The producer, Nathaniel Torres, does not consider it to be an MST3K fanvid, because he did not put in any riffing or shadowrama. As such, it will not be listed on this website. The would-be experiments are animation shorts created by Nathaniel himself. This episode may not see air-time, due to possible budget problems at the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Back in February and March, MNN broadcasted the second episode, Thieves' Blood: New Edition. Nathanial says that due to MNN rules, it will probably not be on the schedule for at least six months. Not to worry, though. If you missed it, you can read the script on this website. You can probably still read the script if you didn't miss the broadcast, but there are no guarnatees. Nathaniel says that he has no interest in doing any more MB9 episodes. So, this is likely the end of the line for MB9.
27 April 2006:
As garnered from his website, Ryan K. Johnson has a completed script for his next MST3K fanvid. It is not known when production on this third installment will be completed or even when it will begin. But, Ryan's last MST3K fanvid was back in 1995 and before a recent update, his website used to put the blame for why he and his pals have taken so long squarely on the shoulders of real life. The title of the third RKJ experiment has not exactly been revealed at this time, but the current reason for not starting production is that they haven't been able to find a good quality copy of the movie. The first two RKJ fanvids had Ryan as Joel Robinson with Crow and Tom Servo. They were the only "standard" MST3K fanvids ever made. All subsequent fanvids have twisted the premis a tad here and there. Ryan and his pals (under the name Seattle International Films) have done more than just MST3K fanvids. They've also done Doctor Who fan-films and some other non-fan productions. Recently (since the year 2000), Ryan has been participating in a Norwescon workshop where he and a group of con-goers make a completed video production in two-hours.
23 April 2006:
According to the MST3K: Second Wave website, it's, "smooth sailing ahead," with regard to production. Not unlike many MST3K fanvids, it has experienced delays to its original hopeful production schedule, but they "expect to start the live action filming by July 1st".
19 April 2006:
MSTF Times Two. The Transformers themed MST3K-style live-show will be presented at two cons this year. MSTF has been performed at Botcon in the past, and will be again this year, but it will also be performed at a brand new this year Transformers convention called Iacon One. A full press release revealing this information, and more, can be read at the MSTF website.
15 April 2006:
Nigiyakaza Post Show Report. After some confusion with the scheduling and con staffers running throughout the con to make sure people knew the show was about to start, the second ever Nigiyakaza performance started at to a room that filled up as the show went on. One of the cast members kept getting up during the show to pretend to do something near the projector so that a shadow would be cast on the screen to cover up any nudity that the experiment contained. The crowd seemed to find that amusing, once they figured out what was going on. Later, that same cast member threw a sandwich past the screen because the other two cast members kept begging for part of it. The experiment was episodes of an anime series called Casshan: Robot Hunter. The episodes were the first and fourth of the series; Return from the Myth and The Reviver, respectively. The show's producers, The Nigiyaka Players, think that things went well, overall. There are plans for a third performance at next year's Anizona.
12 April 2006:
Nigiyakaza Update! Sources inside the Anizona convention staff reveal that Nigiyakaza will start at 2 P.M. on Friday, April 14. It will be performed in video room #2. You can check for yourself at the con by looking in the video programming guide.
08 April 2006:
The MST3K-style live-show called Nigiyakaza will definately be performed at this year's Anizona convention. Nigiyakaza features anime experiments, but keeps them secret until showtime. As of now, another secret is when the show will go on. It has not yet been put on the schedule, but rumor has it that it'll be sometime on Friday. If you want to see the show, check the schedule during the con to be absolutely sure. Anizona is an anime convention. It will be held April 14-16 at the Embassy Suites Hotel Phoenix-North, in Phoenix, Arizona.
09 January 2006:
Taping for Mystery Spatula Theater 11: Dungeons and Dragons has been completed following "two very long days", according to producer Mattew Duhan. The episode now goes into post-production.
08 January 2006:
Some people prefer kabuki theater, but some prefer No Theater. There's a new fanvid project that's been added to The List. It's called No Theater, and there's already one episode completed. Missouri resident Ron McAdams and his pal John Wager have riffed on a 1949 personal hygiene short called Care of the Skin and have made it available for download at their recently remodelled website. (The experiment is ostensibly in the public domain.) Ron says that the plan is to complete the second episode by the end of the month. The first episode has no host segments, but Ron and John hope to be able to have them in future episodes. This first episode is just a single theater segment without shadowrama. Details should start appearing on the No Theater website, which also has a forum for the show and other projects the No Theater duo is up to.
02 January 2006: Happy New Year!
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database celebrates its three year anniversary! The results are in from the query queried, circa last year. On the question of MST3K fanvids and fan-produced live-performances, it has been determined that the year 2005 was... "ginchonomical". Zardoz has spoken! But, it's now 2006. How will this year fare? HIKEEBA and Rowsdower to you!
Nathanial Torres has kindly provided the script for his first fanvid, MB9: The Adventures of Officer Fender. He's also written an article about his experience trying to get his second fanvid, MB9: Thieves' Blood: The New Edition, up and running. The preceding can be found in the The Scriptory and the The Tutorials sections, respectively.
The experiment for the next Mysterious Theatre 337 live-show will be Doctor Who: The Robots of Death. Check out the full-length announcements for this, and other, MST Alive!-style live-shows in the Upcoming Live Performances section.
24 December 2005:
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. May Santa Claus bring you fanvids in your stocking. Did you remember to wash it?
17 December 2005:
The completion of Moon Base Nine: Thieves' Blood: The New Edition has been confirmed and the episode has been added to The List! This is Nathaniel Torres's second MST3K-style fanvid. Like the first episode of Moon Base Nine, this episode features one of Nathaniel's own creations as an experiment. Unlike the first episode, this one has singing. Nathanial is currently looking for an experiment to use in a third episode; he is even considering producing another short to use in case he can't find one that's suitable. Moon Base Nine: Thieves' Blood: The New Edition was produced at the cable access facilities of the Manhatten Neighborhood Network. It will premier on MNN sometime in 2006.
06 December 2005:
Nathaniel Torres announces that the editing is finished and that "Thieves' Blood is now an Moon Base Nine episode". This is Nathaniel's second MST3K-style fanvid. Both of them were produced using the cable access facilities of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network and the experiments were both Nathaniel's own creations. He says that writing for the host segments of a third MB9 episode has begun, but the experiment has not yet been chosen. "I have no plans on using any more of my own works to riff." The search is on for a new experiment, according to Nathaniel, whose preference is for another short film.
04 December 2005:
Nathaniel Torres announces that taping has been completed for Moon Base Nine: Thieves' Blood. Editing and mastering to a DVD are next on the agenda.
Matthew Duhan says that production the next episode of Mystery Spatula Theater 11 will go ahead. The experiment will be the fantasy movie Dungeons and Dragons. Taping will begin (and they hope also end) on January 9, 2006. What will the secret recipe be this time? Only taste buds will tell!
The live-show version of Mystery Spatula Theater 11 will be performed at the upcoming Vericon at Harvard University. The performance is scheduled for 10 A.M., that Sunday. Vericon is a science-fiction, fantasy, gaming, and anime convention held every year, since 2001, at Harvard University by the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association. Insider, secret, mum's the word scuttlebutt has turned up that the secret experiment will be Timeline. Keep it under your hat!
10 November 2005:
It's been confirmed. One episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season 11 is in the can, so far. The first episode of Lewis Lovhaug's MST3K-style fanvid features Star Trek: The Motion Picture as the experiment. The premise is that a new duo of mad scientists discovered a box with details about the experiements conducted during the original series. They created the SOL 2 and shot a new guy, Lewis, into space. The fanvid calls itself "Episode 1101". When asked if there would be an "1102", Lewis Lovhaug said that his friends (the ones he made the fanvid with) are all away at college and can't be reached for comment (get it?). So, "as such, 1102 is a long way's coming." In the mean time, "the bisquits are done!"
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season 11: Star Trek: The Motion Picture is the the second MST3K fan-made episode to be produced with the original intent of authoring it to DVD. Whether or not the fanvid community keeps going in the direction of DVD is unknown, if unavoidable. But, there's one thing to keep in mind: If you make a fanvid and put it onto a DVD and the DVD gets scratched, you've lost your hard work. If VHS is headed to the BetaMax block party in the sky, let's remember that round plastic discs don't have a hard plastic shell to keep the insides safe like VHS does. You might want to think again before abandoning the tried and true for the newest fangle. But, DVD's are SO cool, though, aren't they?!
Jason Soto, producer of B-Movie Central 5000 has issued a statement regarding the future of BMC5K:Production on BMC5K is currently on hiatus until an undefinate date in the future.
I, Jason Soto, hope it won't be too long, but it'll give people time to catch up to me.
Yours, Jason Soto
That's the latest. Those wondering where the Sorority House Massacre 2: Nighty Nightmare episode is, will just have to wait. Jason says that his cast is difficult to get ahold of lately and so is the needed, essential to all fanvid producers, video equipment.
Nathaniel Torres has announced that production on the next episode of Moonbase 9 will move forward after a delay following the death of one of the writers. Wade Lance, the original host, decided not to reprise his role after the first episode, so a fellow named Phil Dejean, host of the MNN cable access show The Checkerboard Kids, has been tapped to be the new new host. Nathaniel says that they're "looking at a December or January shoot" on this second episode, which is to feature another Nathanial Torres creation, Thieves' Blood.
13 October 2005:
After months of speculation and suspense, Mystery Spatula Theater 11: Fantastic Four has been confirmed as being a completed MST3K fanvid. This fanvid project has a mysterious and complicated past as a live-show performed at Harvard. It features bots with cooking utensil arms and a chef that has been shot into space in an orbiting test kitchen who has to come up with a recipe based on the experiment. For this experiment, the recipe is "Fantastic Four Coffee Cake". The recipe is displayed on screen and the ingredients explained in terms of the experiment the chef and his bots have just endured. Mystery Spatula Theater 11: Fantastic Four is being released on DVD with custom DVD label and casing graphics, like how DVD's are sold for real. The recipe is included on the insert, which also lists the thirteen chapter selections. Future versions of this episode may feature a producer commentary track (yes, commentary over commentary), which the producer says has already been recorded. Future episodes are planned, but no production schedule has been announced.
01 October 2005:
Star Wars expert and Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 mad scientist T. A. Chafin has anounced the availability of copies of his book, The Unauthorized Nitpicker's Guide to the Star Wars Saga. He wrote it, and you can get them directly from him. Purchase details can be found in Chafin's posts on the Yahoo! Groups groups for both the Shoreleave and Farpoint conventions. (Posts 302 and 1242, respectively.)
There will be an unspecified delay in the shooting of Moonbase 9: Thieves Blood, according to producer Nathanial Torres.
Work on MST3K: Second Wave continues to progress. A second bot, Rav, is completed. That completes the "theater crew" (Pedge, TY-14, Rav). Work on the third bot, Dixie, is still ongoing. As is set constuction and recording of theater segment dialog. As of now, dialog recording for the the first segment of the movie is in the can. That segment is not for public consumption, at this time, but the public can see a new behind-the-scenes video of Pedge goofing around with the newly constructed Rav. Look for Pedge's dad (Toolmaster Frank) in a cameo. Also, look for new pictures and other up-to-date news on the Second Wave website.
20 September 2005:
Second wave of Second Wave progress. Work on Pedge Jameson's Mystery Science Theater 3000: Second Wave project is steadily moving forward. Bots and props and sets are still being designed and built, but Pedge expects an "early 2006" completion of the first episode. One of the bots, TY-14, is already finished being built. There's a short behind-the-scenes video of Pedge goofing around on camera with "Tie" on the MST3KSW website, where you can also keep tabs on the project's progress by checking out the progress meters on the homepage. For example, even though TY-14 is completed, the other bots are still being built and, as of now, bot building is only 30% done.
10 September 2005:
New news for MSTF fans. There is a press-release on the MSTF website regarding the upcoming performance of MSTF at this year's BotCon. It turns out that it's not just for pre-registrants anymore. They've worked out an arrangement where you can go to the show if you make a donation to the Red Cross. The official word is "If you're planning on arriving to Frisco Thursday, all you will need to get in is a $5 donation to the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief. And even if you are a pre-registrant, any donation you make will be welcome." It's a double warm and fuzzy whammy: See the fan-produced, MST3K-style live-show featuring Transformers universe based experiments (MSTF), and make a charitable donation at the same time!
Lewis Lovhaug says that his fanvid project is completed. It's called Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season 11 and is set "in same universe as the original series, but with a new cast". The experiment is Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
02 September 2005:
"MSTF is a go", says MSTF producer Greg Sepelak. MSTF is a Transformers universe based MST3K live-show and has been performed at Transformers based conventions most years since they kicked off the whole affair at BotCon '97. The experiment that year was Transformers: The Movie. This year's experimental content will be secret until the show starts. So, if you want to see it, plan to attend this year's BotCon '05. MSTF will be performed starting at approximately 10:30 PM, that Thursday, after all the pre-registartion jazz is over with. MSTF will be the very first con event of the con, kicking off a weekend of Transformers related activites. Rumor even has it that Wally Burr, famous voice director, will be there. BotCon is THE official, Hasbro endorsed, Transformers convention. This year it will be held September 22-25, at the Embassy Suites Dallas, in Frisco, Texas.
The latest taped episode of MAT (Mystery Anime Theater) will be debutted at this year's Nan Desu Kan. MAT uses anime for its experiments and started out as a live show riffing on Magical Princess Gigi from behind the audience. This time, the experiment will be Techno Police. Nan Desu Kan is a Japanese animation convention. It will be held Spetember 16-18 at the Marriott Denver Tech Center, in Denver, Colorado.
15 August 2005:
Jason Soto announces that the next experiment for B-Movie Central 5000 will be the movie Frogs. He also says that the latest episode is nearing completion. It will feature the experiment Sorority House Massacre 2: Nighty Nightmare.
The theme song for Pedge Jameson's MST3K: Wave 2 has been completed. It was performed by The Nick Atoms and is available for listening on the MST3KW2 website. Oddly enough, The Nich Atoms have a song based on the educational short film called Why doesn't Cathy Eat Breakfast?, which was featured as part of the BMC5K: Shorts Spectacular!! Volume 1 episode.
29 July 2005:
The producer of Mystery Spatula Theater 11 has announced that the first episode has been completed.
26 July 2005:
Pedge has updated the MST3KW2 (now MST3K: Second Wave, as opposed to "Wave 2") website. The cast and crew lists have been updated and there is a brand new theater segment preview video of the first six or seven minutes of Bride of the Gorilla.
22 July 2005:
Nathaniel Torres announces that production on the second episode of his fanvid project will "proceed". The experiment is another of his own creations, a short horror film called Thieves' Blood. But, since it was a student project originally, he re-edited it and replaced the music with something original. So, the episode is called Moonbase Nine: Thieves' Blood: The New Edition. He hopes to begin shooting the episode in September or October. This episode of MB9, like the first episode, will be produced using the Manhattan Neighborhood Network public access television facilities.
Mystery Spatula Theater 11 now has a website. It's got an episode list and a cast list and -- get this -- a FAQ!
21 July 2005:
PREMIER! PREMIER! PREMIER! There will be a world premier of the newly created fanvid Mystery Spatula Theater 3000: Fantastic Four in Chicago next month. Producer Matthew Duhan is asking for people to RSVP so he'll know how many people to expect. It's going to be at his house on August 7 and starts a 3:00PM. See his post on the fanmst3k Yahoo! Groups group for more details and the email address to which to RSVP to. (You'll have to join that group to read the message.) If you go, why not submit a post-premier report to this website. You'll be famous!* This is not the currently running Fantastic Four movie; now in theaters. It's the one by Roger Corman. (*-Your actual fame may vary.)
Author! Author! Lewis J. Lovhaug, producer of the soon-to-be released MST3K: Season 11 fanvid, is also a published author of books. His Angel Armor series of young adult fiction books is available for buying and reading.
Forums stands for Quadruple Confusions. Jason Soto (BMC5K) has set up a forum deal for his personal vanity website. It's for fans of his website to chat about whatever. His website might not be appropriate for the non-voting population, so if you want to go there, you'll have to deduce the URL for yourself.
13 July 2005:
Jay Hash, of Oregon, announces that his HashMaster 9000 Productions is doing a fanvid project. It'll be called Enigma Education Dramatics 100cc, with King Solomon's Mines as the first experiment. Jay hopes to have the first and second episodes (the latter featuring Peeping Tom) completed in December 2005, with two more episodes planned after that.
04 July 2005:
Happy Independence Day! Remember, in order to keep away the invading hoards of British invaders, fire off those fire works to scare them away. It is your duty as an American to celebrate with great gusto and explosive exuberance, lest we return to the days of "olde". HUZZAH!
Wave 2 the Updates. MST3K: Wave 2 has a brand new domain to show off. The new place to go for everything MST3KW2 is The project is also looking for some help, so check out the Classified Ads section of this website for details. Check out the MST3KW2 website for a list of future future episodes. A list of them has been added, making a total of nine planned experiments. Finally, Pedge has lost his voice... one of them, at least. Instead of doing his voice and both bots, he'll be leaving one of the bots up to the voice talents of Jake P., one of the writers.
Nathanial Torres is toying with the idea of doing another episode of Moon Base Nine. He's working on the script right now, but says that if things don't go well (not enough good riffs or whatnot), then the project will be scrapped. The first MB9 episode used one of Nathaniel's own productions as the experiment. This second episode will do the same, only not the same experiment-- of course.
27 June 2005:
Wave 2 the Preview. There's new info regarding Pedge Jameson's upcoming MST3K: Wave 2 fanvid project. The theme song will be performed by Young Maylay, a rap artist who played the voice of the character CJ on the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas video game. Pedge has also put together a preview sample of his project that you can download and watch. The experiment, in the first episode, will be Bride of the Gorilla, and a short.
The MST3K: Season 11 fanvid project has some previews available for you to download and watch. There are two of them. You get a first glimpse of the bots in the first one, and in the second one, you get to see the door sequence. Both have shots of the theater and host segments in action, of course. The experiment, in what may be the only episode for this project, will be Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (Note: The links to these previews must be copied and pasted as their hosting service does not allow direct links.)
12 June 2005:
Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 will indeed be performed at this year's Shore Leave convention. According to the Shore Leave website: The masterminds of Mystery Trekkie Theater guarantee us that this year, the evil of our Mad Scientist knows no bounds. Frustrated with his inability over the past decade to break the will of Bob, Mike and Peter, this year he has unearthed something so mindbogglingly bizarre, that we can personally assure you: If you have never seen any MTT3K before, this is the one you must see. If you've seen every single one, this one will be unlike any that have come before. We promise greatness.
Shore Leave is "a fan run science fiction convention" in it's 27th year. It will be held July 8-10 at Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn in Baltimore, Maryland. Going by past years, MTT3K will probably go on that Sunday morning, but there is no schedule on the website so it may still be in the works.
Matthew Duhan of Mystery Spatula Theater 3000 says that the latest reading, at the To Be Continued convention this past May, went well and is currently being shot for DVD. He hopes the DVD version will be completed by the time the new Fantastic Four movie comes out. The experiment in question is the Roger Corman version of the movie.
Lewis Lovhaug has announced that he and his buddies (Steel Dragon Enterprises) are producing a fanvid called Mysery Science Theater 3000: Season 11. He says that it, "Takes place in same universe as the original series, but with a new cast (why would we want to put them back in space after all it took to get down in the first place?)." The experiment will be Star Trek: The Motion Picture and they are aiming for a July 2005 completion. There is no project website, but Lewis says that he's looking for help in creating one. So, if you are skilled in that capacity, email the author of this Database.
Second Wave 2. Pedge announced in the forums on his fanvid website that the second episode of MST3K: Wave 2 will feature the experiment Horror Express. He acknowledges BMC5K's previous foray into this experiment, but since he hasn't seen it, there should be no inadvertent riff borrowing. It'll be interesting to see if Wave 2 and BMC writers come up with the same jokes anyway. (Scientists call this sort of thing "convergent evolution", but we could call it "convergent riffolution", if we want to. Too bad the riffolution will not be televised, though.)
In no uncertain terms, Vaguely Specific Productions announces that they are in production of their fifth episode of Mystery Anime Theater. The experiment is Techno Police and the episode will debut at Nan Desu Kan in Denver, Colorado this September.
05 June 2005:
The Raven Nation has Not Returned. Pedge Jameson has let more details on his MST3K fanvid project out of the bag. Instead of MST-X, the project has a new name: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Wave 2. Pedge will be doing the voices of his character (Pedge) and his robot buddies TY-14 and Rav, too. Only the magic of television makes it possible because all three characters will be seen in the host segments and Pedge ain't no ventriloquist. He won't be doing the voices of the mad scientist roles because those people have their own mouths. The theater segments are being created inside a computer with the new fangled technology of "3-D Modeling". Who knew there was such a thing? Pedge and his computer whiz-kid buddy Mike, of course. Pedge says that he's working with a rock band to put together a theme song for the show and that sets and bots are in the works. There is a very tentative July/August completion date for the first episode, which will feature the movie Bride of the Gorilla and the short Down and Out. The MST3K: Wave 2 website is already up and there's plenty of details about the project (cast, characters, contacts, FAQ, etc.) to wet your whistle, and there's the promise of additional information as production goes on. There's even a forum set up if you're into that sort of thing. The people putting this project together are the same people who appear on the weekly The Social Crime Syndicate online radio show. That's not to say that MST3KW2 will be crawling with bad words and adults-only themes, though (or that it won't be), just that it's the same people. And, if that's not enough, it looks like there's going to be a male Magic Voice voice. Men have come a long way, baby. Completion depends on when things get done, but this could turn out to be the first of a series of Wave 2 episodes, so be patient, you gorillas!
Happy Birthday Jason Soto!
02 June 2005:
Fanvid to the Extreme. Pedge Jameson, producer of the defunct MST-X fanvid project, says that things are back in the swing of themselves. That is to say that Mystery Science Theater Extreme is back in production after having been abandoned back in 2001. In the mean time, Pedge has been doing an online radio thing where he, and pals, have interviewed Eddie Deezen and Kevin Murphy. (Whether or not your kids listen is your own business.) The last time MST-X was in production, Pedge got at least as far as penning and cutting a demo of the theme song, coming up with an alternate premise (e.g. Zeller Institute), and building some scale models. What will he come up with this time? The suspense is EXTREME!
B-Day 5000 or Man Alive He's 25! Jason Soto, producer of B-Movie Central 5000, will soon be experiencing the start of another year of living life. Jason will be turning twenty-five years old on Sunday. Jason's age is still higher than the number of BMC5K episodes he's produced, but the latter is closing in. Run, Jason, RUN!
22 May 2005:
Pomp and Circumstance and the Rani. Guess who's graduating from the University of California at San Diego with a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in theater arts? C'mon alright, alright, stop guessing. It's Brian Uiga! He'll be graduating on June 8. As is the tradition at UCSD, there will be several speakers speaking at the commencement that were chosen from the UCSD student body. Brian is one of the chosen four, so he'll be giving a speech that he promises will be serious, even though there are some jokes. Check out Brian's resume. He'll be needing a real job soon.Congratulations Brian on your educational achievement!
New-iga pics. There are some new Brian Uiga related pics on the official website of Brian Uiga's MST3K fanvid. One of them is of one of the robot puppets that Brian built for Community hour and Friends.
Lego my fanvid. There appears to be a new fanvid in the works that features stop-animation Lego© people. No more information is yet known about it.
05 May 2005:
Five Five Five Alive! A live reading of Mystery Spatula Theater 11: Fantastic Four will be performed at "To Be CONtinued", a science fiction and fantasy convention being held at the Chicago Marriott in Schaumburg, Illinois this weekend (May 6-8). The reading will be accompanied by the movie Fantastic Four (yes, THAT one). It's an MST3k-style live-show and it's part of the "Films" department of the con, which means that it will be held in the ultra-comfy films room. "Who wants to sit through a movie in a hard chair? Well, you don't have to; We have brought in a truck load of comfy couches, chairs, and love seats for your beleaguered bottoms," reads the 2BCon website. Spatula starts at 1PM that Sunday.
People in San Diego, watch out for a show on SRTV called Community Hour and Friends by Brian Uiga, of MST3K: Doctor Who: Time and the Rani fanvid fame. It's a puppet show, featuring puppets doing an educational TV show as a parole requirement. Brian says that his Gypsy puppet (built for the fanvid he made around the turn of the millenium) will be a part of the show, as well as sock-based puppets and some other MST3K-style robot puppets. SRTV is the student TV station at the University of California, San Diego that airs on Triton Cable channel 18. They also stream it online from their website, so extra San Diego folks should be able to watch, too. Check your local listings for date and time.
02 April 2005:
Producer Greg Sepelak confirms that MSTF will be performed at this year's Botcon, to be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Frisco, Texas. The schedule is not yet finalized, and registration doesn't even start until May, but MSTF is for sure going to be performed. It's just that nobody knows when it will be performed. All that's known is that it'll be during the con (September 22-25), and that the experimental line-up will, as usual, be kept secret until the show starts. Both the convention and the live-show are Transformers themed.
27 March 2005:
Nigi-YOWZA! Yesterday, Nigiyakaza (as translated by the Anizona pocket schedule, "noisy theater") was performed by The Nigiyaka Players at Anizona in Phoenix, Arizona. The experiment was two episodes of the anime Kaze no Yojimbo. Even though there were some technical glitches at the start, the show's producer says that "people seemed to like it" because there were quite a few big laughs and some audience members said that they thought it was really funny as they exited after the show. There are no set-in-stone plans to do another Nigiyakaza, at next year's Anizona 2, but the show's producer and the con's programming director seemed to be in sync about how "it'll be better next year" now that they know what to expect. Nigiyakaza was an MST3K-style live show that used anime as its experiment (past tense not conclusive). Anizona is Arizona's first anime convention ever and plans to be a yearly thing as they were already taking pre-pre-registrations for next year.
Mystery Science Tulsa 3000 has been confirmed and added to The List. The experiment is the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, Timecop. Portions of MSTulsa were taped, on location, at one of the oldest movie theaters in the Oklahoma, the Orpheum, in Okmulgee. There is an all singing, all dancing closing number. And, to top it off, there's a hexfield appearance by "Jean-Claude", which is the first ever hexfield usage in any MST3K fanvid. MSTulsa is also the first fanvid to have Professor Bobo, Observer, and Pearl Forrester. Scoon!
19 March 2005:
Oh-klahoma, Where The Fanvids'r Sweepin' Down The Plain! The long awaited (63 months) Mystery Science Tulsa 3000 has finally been completed! MSTulsa producer, Michael Sharp , remarks:"My movie is DONE! It's finished. Completed. All wrapped up."
There was a "world premiere" on March 12, where mostly people in on the production got to see the finished product. There looks to be a DVD version in the works, and Michael is working on outtakes and things for the MSTulsa website. There's no word on these outtakes being included on the DVD version, though. Right now, there's just a sentence on the website: "The layouts for the the DVDs are being finalized." You take what you will from that single mention. If you're too impatient to wait to see MSTulsa in it's entirety, the opening credits are now downloadable from the website, along with a trailer that's been available for months.
Anizona 3000. The MST3K-style live-show that's being put on at the Anizona anime convention is tentatively scheduled for Saturday (March 26) at 11AM. The show now has a name: Nigiyakaza. It's a Japanese language based name, but it's a purely American production being put on by some folks calling themselves The Nigiyaka Players. Nigiyakaza, will feature an anime experiment to be revealed at the time of the performance. There will be, as usual for this type of show, people making jokes at the screen, but audience members should remember that it is NOT an audience participation show. There's no official website or contact for The Nigiyaka Players, but post-show reports and constructive criticism will reach the appropriate people if submitted to this website.
MT337 will be performed this Thanksgiving weekend at Chicago TARDIS 2005 in Rosemont, Illinois. The experiment will be Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child. If you'd like The Federation to perform MT337 for you or have suggestions for places they might perform MT337, let them know.
03 March 2005:
The latest Mysterious Theater 337 was performed a few weeks ago at Gallifrey One. The experiment was a colorized version of an originally color Doctor Who episode that was broadcast in black and white. The episode was Terror of the Autons. The show's producer, Steve Hill, put up a show report on the MT337 website. In it, he describes the show as being "okay". The next performance of MT337 will be at Chicago TARDIS with the experiment being Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child.
New Kids on the Block. There will be an MST3K-style live-show at Anizona, an anime convention to be held March 25-27 in Phoenix, Arizona. Not all of the show's details are finalized, it doesn't even have a name yet, but the experiment will be, naturally, some anime. Which anime it will be will not be revealed until show time. The showtime will be revealed some time before showtime.
17 February 2005:
The twentieth episode of B-Movie Central 5000 has been completed and confirmed and added to The List. It features as experiments, eight educational shorts. It also features a song written by Jason Soto, with rockin' guitar by Bill Szany, and a talking Chickie, voiced by Bill, who also takes over for Jason as the voice of Cokie. It's known as Shorts Spectacular!! Volume 1, but with all the shorts in it it's not too short at 120 minutes.
14 February 2005:
Some more episodes of Subterranean Cinema Realm have been confirmed and added to The List. The experiments are Within the Rock, Monster on the Campus, and a video remembering the 1998 Homecoming at Murphysboro High School, the high school SCR producers were attending at the time. SCR total confirmed episodes is now at five.
MSTies of Colorado is closing in on final production of DVD's of their live-show featuring The Dreaded Women of San Pedro!, a stageplay written specially for the show. Best Brains, Inc. gave MOC special not-for-profit permission to perform the show, called MST Alive! after BBI's own MST Alive! live-shows. There is no set release date, as production is still in the works.
The scripts for the theater segment and the unused host segment of B-Movie Central 5000: Satan's Blade can now be downloaded in the Scriptory.
10 February 2005:
Tiger Beat, Eat Your Heart Out. Up Late Productions has announced that the next episode of B-Movie Central 5000 will feature the experiment Sorority House Massacre 2: Nighty Nightmare. It's a movie in which, according to the BMC5K website, "five incredibly hot girls buy a haunted house to use for their next sorority house." This will be like BMC5K's seventeenth regular like episode, for a total of like twenty-one total episodes like, totally.
01 February 2005:
No 2000 in 2005. Andrew Bergstrom says that he will not be presenting Mystery Science Theater 2000 at Farpoint 2005. MSt2K is, as Andrew put it, "a combination of live bridging sequences and taped mistings". This year's experiment was to be Forbidden Planet, but like last year, the show will not be presented as Andrew had hoped. Andrew is not sure when or if the show will ever be presented again. There were two presentations of the show, starting in 2001 with 2001: A Space Odyssey at Balticon. The second was at Farpoint 2002 with the experiment Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
In short, Shorts. Jason Soto's B-Movie Central 5000 has added to it's long list of experiments and episodes with the just finished Shorts Spectacular Volume 1. It's an episode with eight shorts for experiments instead of feature length movie. The long and short of the "shorts" episode is that it's long on shorts but not short on being a long-time coming -- it was announced in July of last year. We're still waiting for the "History of BMC5K" video Soto mentioned a while back as being in the works, but what we aren't waiting for is the return of Bill Szany. Bill makes a triumphant return in this "spectacular", having been absent since the very first episode. Szany does some voice acting and was involved in writing and production as well. What also makes a return are the host segments, which were absent from the last episode, Satan's Blade. Welcome back Kott...Bill! On the BMC5K website, there is a list of firsts that this episode marks for BMC5K. One of the firsts is an original song. It doesn't say whether or not Jason dances while singing it, though. Another first is the introduction of a new writer, Adam Trembczynski. You'll have to see the episode (or the website) for other firsts. This "Shorts" episode is the first BMC5K of 2005. Although Jason expects to make more episodes this year, but he doesn't know when future episodes will be completed. So, there should be more BMC5K this year, but how many there will be is unknown and they probably won't come out on a monthly basis like they did for the first half of last year. In the mean time, Jason Soto has a weekly online quiz you can take.
01 January 2005: Happy New Year!
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database celebrates its two year anniversary! It's been super keen fun keeping up with all the MST3K fanvids and live-performances for you! 2004 was ginchy, but who knows how 2005 will be: ginchtastic? Only Zardoz knows! Have fun! Watch fanvids! Go see fan-produced live-performances! HIKEEBA!<
A 2004 Retrospective. What happened in 2004? Well, loads of stuff. B-Movie Central 5000 kicked off its 2004 season with King Kong vs. Godzilla and went on to do five more experiments for a total BMC5K tally of 19! 2004 was also the year when BMC5K turned from being a one-man-show to being a one-man-show with a writing staff. The only other fanvid to be confirmed in 2004 was Nathaniel Torres's Moonbase 9. Produced at the facilities of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network in New York City, MB9 is the first public access MST3K fanvid. The experiment was Torres's own creation called The Adventures of Officer Fender. MB9 first aired on MNN in September.Something new popped up in this strange world of fan-produced entertainment in 2004: audio. Instead of making a video production, complete with sets and shadowrama and movies, Noah Antwiler put together three episodes of his audio-commentary-only production called The Spoony Experiment, which you download and listen to while watching your own copy of the movie bring riffed. It's strange and new, but the first episode does have an opening skit/audio drama that explains the premis which you don't need a DVD for. How about live-shows then? Well, this was the first year that Mystery Anime Theater 3000 was not performed at Otakon. MAT3K did their final performance in 2003, saying they wanted to quit while they were on top. Filling the gap is Mystery Anime Theater (no "3000"). MAT also riffs anime, but does it in tape form. The tapes are shown at both Starfest and Nan Desu Kan. 2004 marked the third time Matters of the Force performed its live-show, MST3000 Star Wars Style, at Dragon*Con. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones was the experiment. The Federation presented its now standard two performances of Mysterious Theatre 337: at Chicago T.A.R.D.I.S. and Gallifrey One. MT337 specializes in Doctor Who experiments and has been doing so since 1996. Specializing in Star Trek experiments is Peter David's Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000, which has been performed at Shore Leave since 1992. In 2004 the experiment was the episode Threshold from Star Trek: Voyager. And, finally, but in no particular order, there was MSTF. It's a live-show that specializes in the Transformers universe. MSTF has been performed at cons since 1997 when it was performed at BotCon with Transformers: The Movie as the experiment. Audiences of fan-produced MST3K live-shows seem to enjoy them very much, so if you haven't caught one yet, then try to catch one in 2005. The cons and the producers and the you will be happy you did.Is that all that went on in 2004? No! The MST3K Fanvid and Live-performance Database (this website) grew a few new sections. In June, the "Dating Service" went online and, so far, has one person looking for help with his project. It's a classifieds section where people can find help or offer help on MST3K related fan-produced projects. In October, a section for scripts was added. Since then, the scripts for twenty fanvids or live-shows have been listed; fifteen separate script files are hosted by the Database itself, with the rest being hosted on producers' websites. There were two new sections added, but the old sections weren't slacking off. There's something new in the Tutorials section: Nathaniel Torres offers insight into producing fanvids at a public access station. And, there's an interview Subterranean Cinema Realm's Evan Hale in the Interviews section.
2004 Totals: Confirmed fanvids jumped from 26 to a total of 32. Audio projects went from zero to three in one summer. The number of live-shows performed was five.
All-in-all, it's been a productive year. Let's hope 2005 is too!
12 December 2004:
An exclusive interview with the producer of Subterranean Cinema Realm, Evan Hale, has been added to the interviews section.
09 December 2004:
Two thousand pounds is Auton. The fine folks over at The Federation have gone and done another performance of Mysterious Theatre 337. It happened the Saturday before last (November 27) at Chicago TARDIS 2004, in Rosemont, Illinois. MT337 producer Steven Hill says that the crowd of about 170 in attendance was probably the show's largest audience yet. ("Our latest show was a big success!") Hill's pre-show promise that this performance was to have some "special first-time surprises" was no mere propaganda. For the first time, one of the characters riffing the experiment was a Cyberman! Cybermen are a race of evil (yet very popular with fans) robotic beings from the Doctor Who series. They have distinct sounding voices and unmistakably shaped heads. In this latest performance of MT337, the Cyberman character came, says Hill, "complete with voice treatment and recognizable silhouette". What's next for MT337? Gallifrey One 2005 in Los Angeles, of course! The experiment, which has not been officially announced yet will be the Doctor Who episode Terror of the Autons. The official announcement should appear pretty soon on the brand new MT337 website. (It's super secret, insider information right now, so don't tell any more than five or six hundred of your CLOSEST friends.) The new MT337 website promises to be more in-depth than the few pages that used to represent MT337's official web presence. You can find news and announcements, cast recollections, an episode guide and more. You can even download scripts and their snazzy new opening title sequence. There's a section for audience reviews, which is not yet open, but they're asking for submissions-- there's a handy contact form you can use. MT337 is a fan-produced, not-for-profit, Doctor Who-based, Mystery Science Theater 3000-style live-performance (your hypens may vary) put on by The Federation, a group of Doctor Who fans who have been making Doctor Who fan-films since the early Eighties. Chicago TARDIS and Gallifrey One are both yearly Doctor Who conventions.
25 November 2004:
Gobble Gobble Gobble.
Give thanks for the growing scripts section. Links to every script of MSTF, the Transformers themed fan-alive, have been added to The Scriptory.
Happy Turkey to you! Gobble Gobble.
09 November 2004:
Jason Soto was kind enough to send in all the scripts for B-Movie Central 5000 that he had. None of the theater segment scripts still exist; neither do the host segment scripts for episodes one through six, including the first holiday special episode, due to a computer crash. At this time, episodes seven through fifteen, and holiday specials two and three, are available for download in the scripts section. Counting the host and theater segment scripts separately, there are now fifteen total scripts. More will be added as they become available. As for scripts which no longer exist, anyone willing to transcribe the lines and submit them to this website will be given full credit for their work. Scripts that don't exist will be made known once they are known to not exist.
31 October 2004:
Bring Out Your Scripts! A new feature has been added to the Database. It's called The Scriptory, and it's a place where you can find all the scripts which producers have been kind enough toave at least given permission for them to be online. The inaugural scripts are from Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 and were provided by Mike Hagen, one of the producers. One of them is Mike's personally highlighted theater segments script for the Starcrash experiment. Now, you can read the official scripts and no longer wonder what they were really saying when you just couldn't make it out that time you were watching the latest episode of your favorite fanvid or sat through a performance of a live-show at a con, but the audience was a bit too raucous. Thanks to Mike Hagen for helping to kick off this exciting new feature!
17 October 2004:
The guys who perform the MSTF live-show also do something called Altered States Magazine. The magazine has a new online home and the scripts for the last two perfomances of MSTF are temporarily up on the site. In the works is a permanent home for MSTF-- with video files.
The latest installment of B-Movie Central 5000 has been completed. After a long delay, Jason Soto has announced its completion. The episode features the experiment Satan's Blade and is the first BMC5K episode to have no host segments; just one long theater segment. The next episode will be the "Shorts Spectacular!!", which will feature six shorts instead of the normal full length feature experiment. The "shorts" episode may or may not be the last episode of BMC5K this year. One more episode may come after it, but Soto hasn't yet decided. Even with the delay having caused Up Late Productions to produce less episodes than intended this season, BMC5K is still the longest series of MST3K fanvids ever; it surpassed Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 as the most prolific fan-production of any type, near the end of last year... before Soto even got a team of writers!
The Federation has announced that the experiment for the upcoming performance of Mysterious Theater 337 at this year's Chicago TARDIS will be the 1996 Doctor Who movie made for Fox Television. Steven Hill, the show's producer, says:"This is the first time we've ever repeated the same feature; however, the show will NOT be a repeat! We will be using part of the previous script, but we've got some very special first-time surprises for this show, it's easily our most ambitious yet. You won't want to miss this one!"
The performance will start right after the Masquerade Show as part of the convention's Saturday night Main Programming. The Chicago TARDIS website describes MT337 as "a meeting of two popular television shows (Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Doctor Who)... four guys sit in front of the big screen to watch a Doctor Who story, and the audience is treated to their hugely witty and immensely amusing remarks." Upon further examination, it also warns that MT377 "is not is an audience participation show. The show itself is a carefully scripted, timed and rehearsed performance." The Federation is a group of scienty fiction fans that has been around making fan videos since 1983, and has been performing Mysterious Theater 337 at Doctor Who conventions since 1996, with a total of eleven performances to date.
24 September 2004:
Vaguely Specific Hindsight. The producer of Mystery Anime Theater remarks about the latest experiment, Garzy's Wing, shown at this past weekend's Nan Desu Kan in Denver. "The show started on time Saturday night and the room was filled to capacity. The room sits over 500 people and we were pretty ecstatic to see how many people showed up. As the movie started though we noticed a rather annoying issue right away, the sound in the room was off. Apparently earlier in the day a speaker had blown out and the video room techs decided to compensate for this issue by turning the bass all the way up and the treble all the way down. The movie audio was just fine but unfortunately you could only hear half of what we said. What you could hear though got some great laughs and as the movie ended and the lights came back up the 150 or so people who remained applauded our effort. As the audience left some of them expressed their displeasure with us that we only had one movie(the previous year we showed three). We also got several requests to host a panel next year and the con has already told us they want us back next year."
18 September 2004:
Northern Neighbor Needs Nelp. The Mysterious Canadian Andrew, producer of independent films, is looking for help with a future Star Wars fanvid project. It's not an MST3K fanvid, no, but Andrew wants to "include a gag that involves a brief appearance by Crow and Tom Servo". He needs someone with bots, who can come to Toronto for a day, and someone who can "do a decent aproximation of Tom and Crow's voices," who would not necessarily need to go to Toronto. Andrew has also just recently started putting video files on his Bear Town website. Bear Town is Andrew's very own series of short vignettes featuring puppet bears. So far, there's only two episodes, but Andrew hopes to put a new one up every Tuesday. Andrew's is the very first classified ad for the newly created "Dating Service" feature. No, it's not for finding your future spouse, but it is for getting help with your MST3K fanvid project or offering to help others with their projects. The ads are free, of course. Just ask Andrew, whose ad conveniently contains contact information.
16 September 2004:
The Vaguely Specific Productions performance of Mystery Anime Theater is this Saturday at Nan Desu Kan, an anime convention held in Denver, Colorado. It is scheduled from 10 P.M. to midnight. Look for "MST(ND)K3", as that's how the con spells it.
06 September 2004:
Schlock a Block of Fanvids. Stephen Mrowiec says that his Chicago based Atomic Brain Productions has completed it's first fanvid. The project is called Schlock Cinema For National Defense Theater, and the first experiment is Monster From Green Hell, with an episode of the 1951 serial Flying Disc Man from Mars as a short. Mrowiec says that the first experiment was completed in July of this year.
At the end of this July, MSTF was once again performed by Greg Sepelak and his pals Doug Dlin and Phil Zeman. Sepelak has some stuff to say about this year's MSTF and also reveals other MSTF related info:
The MSTF was a success, and we're thrilled with how it went. The panel was even noted by 3H (the con's organizers) at their ending organizer's panel as the "model" for how fans should get their fan-panels done for the conventions. Like last year, we had a very good time slot: 11am, Saturday morning, just after the Marvel Comics Creators Panel (which had not only TFs' most prolific comic writer Simon Furman, but the guy who created the personalities of pretty much every TF from 1984 to 1989, Bob Budiansky), and right before the Hasbro toy presentation at 1:30pm, which always draws a standing-room crowd. This year, we opened with the half-hour "Go-Bots" promotional video... no, not the old Hanna-Barberra GoBots, but the new animated cartoons for the current Hasbro/Tonka Go-Bots line of Transformers for children aged 3-5. The next hour and a half, what with it being the 20th anniversary of Transformers, was taken up with the very first TF cartoon episodes: the three-parter intro "More than Meets The Eye"... and as an added "treat", rather than simply use the versions available now on DVD, we spliced in the live-action intro/ending segments starring the large Optimus Prime animatronic puppet and preteen Tommy Kennedy from the very tail-end of G1's original television run in the late 80's, which were added to the old episodes to kind of spruce them up. The episodes and skits were broken up by short bumpers done in the style of Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" bumpers, which also let us use some fun music and random gags that otherwise would be homeless. We're looking into a new "home" for the past MSTFs, including downloadable video clips, but nothing is concrete yet. At the very least, we're going to get the ending credits for 2004 online and downloadable, because I nearly pee'd myself watching them. I knew the basic running gag, but Phil took it to levels I didn't even dream of. Doug Dlin has contributed a big write-up on MSTF for a Japanese fan-book chronicling BotCons worldwide from 1995 to 2004, as we're the longest-running fan-panel at the official TF conventions, and fan-stuff is really why the shows got made in the first place. The book is in both Japanese and English, and is an excellent piece of work, great for anyone who wants to see what the big deal is.
The MSTF crew is still "looking into what to do next year". They are also, apparently, "Batman". While people who had attended this year's show will know what that means, anyone can order the fan-book Sepelak mentioned. MSTF has been performed at Botcon, Project A-Kon, and the Official Transformers Collectors' Convention. Stay tuned for more information on the new online home of MSTF when more information becomes available. In the meantime the scripts for past performances can be read online.
31 August 2004:
BBI sues MST3K. According to the Austin America-Statesman, Best Brains, Inc. has filed a lawsuit against the group that puts on the Mr. Sinus show (formerly Mr. Sinus Theater 3000) at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas, "alleging that it is infringing on the 'Mystery Science' trademark by using its format. Mr. Sinus comedians Jeremy Pollet, Owen Egerton and John Erler, and Alamo South Lamar LP have been named in the lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District Court." You can read the entire article on the AAS website; you'll have to register first, though. (Another take on the subject is readable without registration on the Austin Business Journal website.) This lawsuit is an interesting developement, considering that recently, BBI has seemed to shy away from anything having to do with fighting copyright infringement. Perhaps this is the line they've drawn: commercial enterprise (as opposed to highly profitable online bootleg sales). It could also be the fact that, according to facts in the article, Alamo, et al. have committed flagrancy by continuing to put on the Mr. Sinus show after BBI refused a license. If you're wondering, commercial enterprise is the same reason Mr. Sinus hasn't been listed on this website-- that would be stretching the definition of "fan-made", as far as this website is concerned. Thanks to Frank Koenen for the tip!
30 August 2004:
Moonbase Nine has been confirmed and added to The List.
Nathaniel Torres, MB9 producer, has written an article based on his experience producing a fanvid at a public access station. It's called Making a Half-hour Fanvid Via Public Access and
can be found in the tutorials section.
Hiatus Futtari. The producer of the "Oliver" project says that the project is on hold for the time being, citing a pre-mature rush to announce the project, but then not getting to working on it. This is actually a very common occurance on the MST3K fanvid scene: note the many old and overdue projects on the rumors page. The producer of the working entitled Mystery Science Theater 4000, Michael Herrick, also says that his project is on hold for the unforseable future. He says that it may never even get produced at all.
Fanvid Internationale. The first fanvid project from outside the USA was mentioned by its would-be producer back in June, on the fanmst3k Yahoo! Group, but for unknown reasons didn't make it into a news item here. In anycase, the latest on this project is that the working title, MST3UK, may be changed to something which hasn
t yet been determined. More latest is that instead of a Blake's 7 episode, the first experiment will more likely be "The Star Wars Holiday
Special", with a second experiment to be one of the "Fantastic Four" movies. Everything is preliminary at this stage, based on what that the producer, the Mysterious Ash, has said, so far. In case you hadn't been paying close attention, this project, which Ash says will have a character based on an the alien species from the Doctor Who series, is based in the United Kingdom. Welcome, our fine foreign fanvid friend, what what.
Audio for the Ears. Noah Antwiler, the producer, has let the cat out of the bag about his different type of fan production type thing. It's called
The Spoony Experiment and it exists as a sort of DVD commentary track that you can download, then play while watching the appropriate movie. It's not live and it's not video, but it is audio. There's no shadowrama or anything, just Noah and his friends' disembodied voices. So far, The Spoony Experiment has three experiments under its belt: Dungeons & Dragons, Starship Troopers, and Matrix Revolutions. The movies aren't included in the downloadable audio files, so it's BYOM...Buy Your Own Movie.
The Manhattan Neighborhood Network has finally gotten MB9 on the schedule. For people in New York City, the place where MNN is broadcast, you can catch MB9 on channel 57 at 1:30 A.M. on the 8th of September. Then, again, on channel 67 at 11 P.M. on September the twelfth. Then then, again again, on channel 56 at 9:30 P.M. on the first day of October. All dates are this year. All times are, conveniently, New York Time. Nathaniel Torres says there are no other times it will be shown. For people who can't recieve MNN, you can watch it online, in horrible quality, streamed from the MNN website.
29 July 2004:
Nathaniel Torres announces that Moonbase 9 has been completed and a copy has been handed over to MNN for broadcast. MB9 has not yet been added to the MNN schedule. MNN is the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, a series of public access stations in New York City, New york, USA.
26 July 2004:
Video scavenger hunt. The Mystery Science Tulsa 3000 folks have put a "making of" video file on their website. The size of the file is 60 Megabytes, and it contains behind the scenes shots, spoilers, and a rockin' soundtrack. It's not difficult to find on the site, but you do have to click through a few pages to get to it. There's a new picture of the crew and bots on the site somewhere, too. The host segments of MSTulsa are in the can, but the theater segments have yet to be shot, says MSTulsa producer, Michael Sharp. If you can't spare the bandwidth for the large video file, Sharp says that it will be included with the episode when it is finally completed.
15 July 2004:
Last Sunday morning, the long-running Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 live-show was performed at this year's Shore Leave convention. The featured experiment was Threshold, an episode of the television series Star Trek: Voyager. This was the thirteenth performance of MTT3K, since it was started by Peter David in 1992. According to T.A. Chafin, one of the performers in the show, Peter David couldn't stop laughing for about a minute after a particularly humorous riff during the "theater" portion of the show. Peter David writes on his website that the other actors had to step in and read his lines because his fit of laughter caused him to miss some cues. Perhaps the biggest problem that cropped up was the absence of a particular actress, from a popular television series about vampires. A part in a skit had been written for her (a single, important punchline), but she cancelled, throwing Peter into a panic. The problem was solved when Peter recruited one of the bulkier, bearded, male members of the convention's technical crew for the part. He donned a blonde wig and delivered the line as only a man of his stature, in a blonde wig, can do. Chafin remarks that a large man in a woman's wig was very funny, and may have been much funnier than if the actress had been there with her own hair. By all known accounts, the thirteenth presentation of Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 was a success and much enjoyment was had by all. Thanks to T.A. Chafin for his assistance in the writing of this article.
14 July 2004:
Octet experiment. Up Late Productions announces a special episode of BMC5K. It'll be called B-Movie Central 5000: Shorts Spectacular!! and will be completed sometime "before the year is up". The episode will feature eight different short films of the educational variety. Soto and Cokie will learn about women, safe driving, and other things they don't already know about. This spectacular, special octet of shorts will be the only special episode of BMC5K this year; there's the possibility that a second "volume" of shorts will come out some time next year. The next episode of BMC5K will be Satan's Blade and is due out this month.
No kind of tatami. Vaguely Specific Productions has been added to the roles of fan-groups doing their own versions of MST3K. The members of VSP started doing scripted, back-of-the-room riffing at Starfest in 2002. They did the same sort of live performance again at Starfest 2003. Starfest is a scienty fiction convention held in Denver, Colorado. VSP uses anime for experiments, and so are calling the production Mystery Anime Theater. Yes, that name does look familiar, but note the lack of a "3000". The now discontinued Mystery Anime Theater 3000 was performed, at Otakon anime conventions from 1997 to 2003 by folks who were one-time members of the Penn State Monty Python Society. Both also have the anime movie, Lensman, in common. (Apparently, Lensman has a reputation in the anime community.) MAT has also been a part of the programming at Nan Desu Kan, a Denver anime convention (2003). Other experiments they've presented so far are Robotech: The Movie and Magical Princess Gigi. MAT has no host segments, just "3 longtime bitter, sarcastic, and jaded anime fans [watching] badly dubbed anime movies." VSP has since started playing recorded experiments at convention, rather than doing the riffs live (convid). The latest, taped Mystery Anime Theater is scheduled to be presented at this year's Nan Desu Kan 2004 on Saturday, 18 September, at 10PM. The experiment will be Garzey's Wing.
05 July 2004:
A Fifth of MSTF. Greg Sepelak says that his MSTF live-show is officially on the schedule of the upcoming Official Transformers Collectors' Convention. The schedule hasn't been posted, so nobody but the con's organizers know for sure when MSTF will go on. If you go looking for more details on your own, look for "cartoon episode spoofs", as that's how MSTF will be listed, according to Sepelak. MSTF is an MST3K-style live-show which uses anything Transformers (movies, episodes, Read'n'See books, etc.) as experiments.
Leaky Bits. Mike Hagen leaks a bit of info about possible Mystery Fandom DVD's; there might be some.
Clariflying Nazgul. Peter David says that Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 will not be performed together with Monty Sauron's Flying Nazgul, as was previously reported. MSFN will be performed during Shore Leave Showcase at this weekend's Shore Leave convention. Apparently, MTT3K has always been performed in the morning, not in the evening:Mystery Trekkie has nothing to do with "Monty Sauron's Flying Nazgul." MTT3K will be performed Sunday morning, as usual, at 10 AM. MSFN will go up that same day at around 5 PM, I would guess.
So, if you'd been planning to catch both these shows all in one performance, at night, you're going to have to modify your Shore Leave itinerary. Thanks to Peter David for posting this clarification.
The Return of the Soto. Jason Soto says that production of BMC5K has resumed. The next experiment, Satan's Blade, will be released this month. The hiatus may cause there to be one less episode this year than previously planned, but the special "shorts" episode will still be produced. The "history" of BMC5K tape is still coming along, as well.
27 June 2004:
T.A. Chafin, Star Wars expert and MTT3K mad scientist, says that Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 will indeed be performed at Shore Leave this year.
26 June 2004:
No go for Koenen's show. Frank Koenen announces that he has decided to cancel his fanvid project, MST3K: The Remake. He has issued an official statement which, in part, says,"MST3K: The Remake is dead! I tried to get money, but it just isn't going to happen in the near future." The full statement is on his website. Koenen hopes to be able to do a fanvid sometime, but it's just not going to happen any time soon. Don't fret, there are a few other projects which are projecting release dates this year. A popular release date is "by the end of the summer".
22 June 2004:
Added feature, added fun. A section for classified ads has been added and can be reached by clicking on the "Dating Service" feature on the Main Index page. It was created so people who need help with their production can advertise for help, and so people who want to get in on someone else's production can advertise their services. Classified ads are absolutely free. To submit an ad, just follow the guidelines and read the disclaimers.
Guidelines for submitting information about new fanvids and live-shows have been established because some people may not be sure how to go about having their production, or a production they discovered, added to the Database. Submission guidelines can be found via the Main Index page under the Database Information Index.
19 June 2004:
Jason Soto says that, due to circumstances, he's halting production of BMC5K for a time. The episode set to be released in June will be postponed until production starts up again; probably in about a month or so.
17 June 2004:
Now it can be told. Nathaniel Torres has agreed to allow details about his fanvid project to be revealed. For some time now, he's wanted to keep some things secret until all the details could be worked out and the possibility of his project actually being completed was more certain. Well, after going through a few actors, which kept dropping out, he's finally secured a host for his fanvid project: Moonbase 9. MB9 is to be produced out of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network public access facilities, and will air on one MNN's miriad stations. Right now, it's in pre-production so the cast and crew can work out the kinks. Nathan hopes that taping will occur sometime in mid-July. The experiment will be The Adventures of Officer Fender. It's a short video-film, in three parts, by Kaos From Order band member, Ross Byron; the script was written by Nathan himself. New Yorkers will be able to watch MB9 on their TV's when it airs, but if you don't get those stations where you live, MNN streams its programming over the Internet via its website; Nathan says the video quality isn't that great, but you can still hear everything just fine. As of now, the best information on when MB9 will air says that it is sometime in July or August. For a play-by-play of the trials and tribulations that have afflicted this project, check out Nathan's posts on the fanmst3k Yahoo! Group.
Frank Koenen says that circumstances may prevent him from producing MST3K: The Remake. Right now, it's on hold, indefinately.
08 June 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that its next experiment will be Satan's Blade.
07 June 2004:
Post Kevin Report. Today, on Pedge Jameson's raucous, not-for-children Internet radio show, Kevin Murphy called in for a scheduled interview. Pedge was kind enough to ask Kevin about fanvids. Kevin said that he thought that it was "delightful" that people would want to do such a thing, and that it said something about how "original the show was". He went on to say that, "for legal reasons", he was "forbade to watch" fanvids-- he can't even come to this site! While it was an unexpected revelation, it's not such an uncommon refrain when it comes to intellectual property laws. The interview of Kevin Murphy went on about half an hour and covered his book, A Year at the Movies; the origin or Tom Servo's voice, fanvids, and obscure horror/bad films-- many of which Kevin had actually seen! Kevin said that he'd love to do MST3K again, but that it was probably impossible, given the state of television today. It's important to point out that Kevin's comments do not constitute an endorsement, nor can it be inferred to be official BBI permission to make fanvids; it's important to point this out since another site (unrelated to fanvids) is portraying an unofficial comment from Mary Jo Pehl (Pearl Forrester) as "official" permission from BBI for them to continue their illegal activities. Thanks to Pedge Jameson for having Kevin on his show; thanks to Kevin Murphy for agreeing to be interviewed and for being a good sport.
31 May 2004:
Murphy Turns to Crime. Pedge Jameson says that MST3K cast member, Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo/Professor Bobo), will be a guest on his Internet streaming radio show, The Social Crime Syndicate, on Monday (June 7, 2004). He'll spend about half an hour on the show. Pedge said that he'd pose some questions about MST3K fanvids, so this may be your only chance to hear what ol' Kev thinks about the whole situation (unless the show is archived... which they are). Satellite News reports that Kevin will be on at 6PM Eastern time, which is when the show starts, but the latest from Pedge is 6:30. So, if you're late for the start of the show, you might not have missed Kevin at all. Since the first time he was on the show, Eddie Deezen (Laserblast) has been writing things for the show which Pedge reads on the air. When the Deezen submissions are read during the show isn't announced beforehand, so you have to listen for them; the show is three hours long, and it's not exactly for children, so keep your ears covered if you're childronically afflicted. (This website reserves the right to make up words at any time and for whatever reason -- if any.)
The latest episode of BMC5K from Up Late Productions has been completed and confirmed. This is the second episode with the new writing crew; the eighteenth, so far. In order to calm your nerves about how he expects to do thirteen episodes this year when he's doing one episode a month, Jason Soto says that there will be a special episode using a set of short films as the experiment that will be produced in-between two, as-of-yet undetermined, regularly scheduled episodes. It would be the fourth such "special" episode -- the first three being holiday themed.
18 May 2004:
There is a new section in the FPIC that lists the places where fanvids were made and where live-shows were performed. The lists are alphabetical and separated by geographic surface area (State, city, venue). Look in the Card Catalog under "By Location" to find this new section.
04 May 2004:
BMC5K: Stage Fright has been confirmed and added to The List.
02 May 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that Against All Hope will be its next experiment.
28 April 2004:
Warning: New Project. Chris Douglas says that his brand new fanvid project, Warning: May Contain Nudity 20,000, is currently in production for a May 2004 release of its first episode, which will feature the experiment, Satanic Mechanic. Thanks go to Jason Soto, of B-Movie Central 5000 fame, for discovering this new project.
26 April 2004:
Look out Seventeen magazine. Up Late Productions announces that its latest episode of B-Movie Central 5000 has been completed. This makes the seventeenth episode of BMC5K, in total, with the experiment being the Italian-made blood-fest, Stage Fright. This Sweet Seventeen comes with it a first for BMC5K: a writing staff. For the past few months, Jason Soto has been begging vetting people to help him with his one-man-show. From Washington to Washington, the call was answered and three new writers have joined the BMC5K team: from Washington left (State), April Babcock-Phillips; from Washington right (D.C.), Matt Kremer; and from the Midwest, Jess Sawinski. When asked how he's coping with having a larger staff, Jason Soto replied that "it takes a little bit longer to write everything down." With the writers all in different locations, the BMC5K writing process has become a truly inter-State collaboration, so it takes a bit longer to consolidate each writer's submissions and edit everything down to a final script for the show. Bios for each of the BMC5K writers can be found on the BMC5K website.
07 April 2004:
Promised Palaver. Derek Atkins reports that he and his cohorts are indeed still working on their fanvid project. They recently conducted a few "test runs" to get the feel of their equipment and whatnot; they hope to begin actual production by May. The scripts have been almost completely written, and if all goes well, Atkins et al. will have completed two episodes by the end of this Summer: House of Frankenstein, which has been on the roster for quite a while now, and The Wasp Woman, which is a new addition to the line-up.
06 April 2004:
The mysterious Doug M. has announced that he and his mysterious pals, Bronson E. and John K., will be making a fanvid where the experiment consists of short clips of various video games. Among the video games to be included in the experiment are the Super Nintendo game, Super Noah's Ark 3D; the Turbo Grafx 16 game, Toilet Kids; Barbie, for the Nintendo Entertainment System; and Nintendo 64's Superman 64. The project is to be called: Mystery Video Game Theater 3000, and will be made available for download via FTP (and maybe also a few of the popular P2P networks). Right now, Doug, Bronson, and John are still working out the final video game line-up, but when that's finished, and they have a tape full of short video game clips, the group is going to take advantage of the equipment and facilities available at their local cable access station (green screen et cetera) for taping. MVGT3K is expected to be finished by the end of Summer.
05 April 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that Stage Fright will be its next experiment.
Up Late Productions announces that a history/best moments of BMC5K tape is in the works. It'll be called B-Movie Central 5000: A History and will contain clips of some of the best/funniest moments of BMC5K, along with a visual history report chronicling BMC5K's first year of existence. BMC5K turns one year old this month with tomorrow being the anniversary of the release of Jason Soto's very first foray into MST3K fanvid making.
03 April 2004:
Remake Remake. Frank Koenen has made some changes to the MST3K: The Remake website and line-up. The old MST3K2 website will be abandoned in favor of a new site. Koenen says he's "getting things more ordered". The re-ordering also affects the MST3K2 line-up. No longer will Plan Nine from Outer Space be the first experiment. It's been scraped altogether, actually. Godzilla vs. Monster Zero has been moved up to take its place. Xanadu and The Lizzie McGuire Movie are still in-the-mix, but their position in the release order is up in the air at this time. Also being re-ordered are the release dates. The new release dates for episodes of MST3K: The Remake are, tentatively, July 11, July 18, July 25, August 1, August 8, and August 15. What new experiment titles will fill those dates have not been announced. There will, however, still be some sort of wrestling movie in there, as announced on the old site, although the promise of a "fan-pick" episode has been retracted.
Fantastic Failure. The expected March completion of Failure 101 Pictures's first fanvid did not come to be. Sam Swanson, the producer, says that it's just taking longer than expected due to things like scheduling problems, etc. Swanson also says that Fantastic Four will no longer be the featured experiment. Instead, the experiment will be Daredevil (Ben Affleck). Also adding to the equation, is the fact that Cowsponge, a local band in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is being tapped for a cover of the MST3K theme song. So, it's taking some time to work out all the details. A new release date is unknown, but Swanson did say that "it won't be too long from now." He's also posted some pictures in the Photos section of the fanmst3k Yahoo! Group. (You'll need to subscribe to the group to see them.)
31 March 2004:
Lucky Thirteen. Up Late Productions announces that its latest episode, featuring the experiment, Blood Freak, has been completed. Not counting special holiday episodes, this is the thirteenth episode of B-Movie Central 5000. This episode also includes a short called The ABC's of Sex Education for Trainables and is the third episode of the 2004 "season" of BMC5K. ULP hopes to complete thirteen new episodes this year.
BMC5K: Blood Freak has been confirmed and added to The List.
08 March 2004:
Project progress palaver. Sam Swanson's Fantastic Four experiment is delayed to at least the end of March. The Oliver Show, inc. doesn't expect its first experiment to be completed until some time in the summer. Michael Herrick's "laser mission" is still at the pre-production stage. Frank Koenen says the script is done for his debut episode, but the planned Plan 9 March release is unlikely. Bryan Ortiz had to cancel his production entirely. And, Perfect Pencils is still going strong, but taking longer than expected -- to build sets out of real wood -- so they "have no idea" when they'll be done. Expect further palaver when said palaver warrants itself palavered... promise.
02 March 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that its next experiment will be Blood Freak with the short, The ABC's of Sex Education for Trainables.
27 February 2004:
Van Nuys gets "Mysterious" valentine. A few weeks ago, at Gallifrey One (a Doctor Who convention), in Van Nuys, California, famed Doctor Who fan group, The Federation, presented it's eleventh installment of Mysterious Theatre 337. MT337 is an "alive" version of Mystery Science Theater 3000 that features episodes and movies of Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction series. The experiment for this first of two planned MT377 performances this year was the 1996 made-for-FOX-Television movie Doctor Who which featured Paul McGann as the series's seventh regeneration of "The Doctor". MT337's producer, Steven Hill, reveals that the performance, which he rates on his website as "5 out of 5", went off quite well:The crowd seemed to be at around 75 people at the start, but closer to 200 when we turned to face them at the end. We all especially felt good about our ad-libs this time. Crowd reaction was excellent, and my guys all agreed that it was probably our second-best show ever, slightly behind last year's THE FIVE DOCTORS.
He also points out the interesting fact that earlier that day, actors Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy and Yee Jee Tso, and producer Philip Segal sat on a panel discussing the 1996 Doctor Who movie. It's a pretty interesting coincidence that MT337 "MSTed" a movie at a con that had as its guests, people involved with that movie -- it's unknown if they even knew of, or had the chance to catch some of, the performance, though. The year's second performance of MT337 will be at Chicago TARDIS 2004. Chicago TARDIS is a Doctor Who convention which will be held in Rosemont, Illinois the last weekend in November. The experiment has not yet been decided upon, but should be known sometime before the con. Hill says that they are "considering making Chicago's show more ambitious this year", so stay tuned for further details as they become available.
B-Movie Central 5000: Billy Jack has been confirmed and added to The List. This is the second episode of the second "season" of Jason Soto's BMC5K -- the fifteenth episode altogether. It's also the longest BMC5K episode to date.
26 February 2004:
Greg Sepelak says that, short of devine intervention, there is really no way that MSTF will be able to be performed at this year's Botcon. However, MSTF is still going to be performed at this year's Official Transformers Collectors' Convention.
22 February 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that its latest experiment, Billy Jack, is completed.
15 February 2004:
Just a little bit Mormon, please. Mormon Science Theater 3000 has been added to the Database's ever growing list of live performances inspired by Mystery Science Theater 3000. Matt Workman and Sam Cannon have put on "Morm3K" three times, so far; the most recent performance being in 2002 at the Sunstone Symposium in Pasedena, California, where the morality tales, Johnny Lingo and Up in Smoke, were the chosen duo of experiments. Morm3K specializes in the comedic deconstruction of what could possibly be termed as "Mormon cinema"-- the kind of movie that is designed to demonstrate (read: slyly promote) some aspect of morality by presenting a perfectly benign and reasonable (or at least somewhat plausible) situation to hook the audience, then spring an unexpected trap, in the form of a revelation about what's been happening on the screen, from which only the most ardent sinner can escape. Brigham Young University is known for producing quite a few films in this genre; Sam and Matt take these movies on, two at a time. The apt MSTie will no doubt recognize that there is also a fanvid called Mormon Science Theater 3000. Although, there are a few similarities: the catchy name, BYU movies as experiments, a producer named Matt, Mormon writers, Mormon actors, and the people involved having spent at least some time in Utah; the two should not be confused. They are wholly separate productions, whose producers had no prior knowledge of the other's existence. Matt Workman is a Mormon comedian and writer who occasionally finds time to conduct panel discussions. Sam Cannon is a freelance writer and founder of the now defunct grid magazine. The movie, Up in Smoke, is available for download at the Prelinger Archives.
10 February 2004:
The director of Matters of the Force, Cathy Bowden, has confirmed that there will be a performance of MOTF's MST3000 Star Wars Style at this year's Dragon*Con 2004. This particular fan-produced, MST3K-style live-show has a particular penchant for anything Star Wars, in particular. Bowden says that last years performance, featuring the experiment of Return of the Jedi, went over particularly well. This year's experiment has not yet been determined.
MST Alive!'s ALIVE! Almost. MSTies Anonymous of Colorado is one step closer to releasing a video of their MST Alive! show. In March of last year, in collaboration with Soon To Be Famous, LLC., MSTies Anonymous of Colorado, with the permission of Best Brain's, Inc., put on a unique sort of MST3K live-show. It featured an experiment which was a stageplay written especially for the show called The Dreaded Women of San Pedro!. MSTies had the entire event filmed on MiniDV and planned to released a video of the show to the public in a not-for-profit manner. According to the MSTies Anonymous Poobah, the tapes of the show went AWOL for nearly a year, but have finally been tracked down. They are now being made ready for a video release. The Poobah says:Only minor editing will be required, and the rest of our energies can be expended on polishing up the DVD and coordinating the free distribution. I'm really excited about finally getting this thing into a fully-watchable release version.
The release is planned for multiple formats including DVD and VHS. MSTies will be looking for help getting this video into circulation once it is completed. Which, at the moment, is not.
06 February 2004:
Doug Dlin has provided details regarding another MSTF performance. Dlin was the "otaku-in-charge" of a second encore version of the experiment: Transformers: The Movie, which was a sort of "road-show" performance presented in 1999 at Project: A-Kon 15, an anime convention. The script used was a modified version of the first encore script; some new jokes were written, the names of the people were changed (there were new performers with different names), and new skit material was written to reflect the fact that they were at an anime convention rather than a Transformers convention. With this new information, the MSTF performance count comes to seven. (See news for 02 February 2004.)
05 February 2004:
Soto's second season's started, Sally Sue. The first episode of the second "season" of B-Movie Central 5000 has been completed and confirmed! It features the experiment King Kong Vs. Godzilla and the most "special guests" in any BMC5K, to date. If you watched only one BMC5K episode a day, it would now take you a fortnight to see them all.
Up Late Productions announces that its next experiment will be the movie Billy Jack.
02 February 2004:
With the gracious help of it's producer, Greg Sepelak, MSTF has been added to the Database. MSTF is a fan-produced, MST3K-style live-show with a Transformers theme. It was first presented at BotCon '97, in Rochester, New York, under the name of Mystery Science Transformers 3000, and again, at Botcon '98, in Anaheim, California. The second being an improved, encore presentation of the first show where the subject of derision (the experiment) was Transformers: The Movie. The name of the show was changed to Transformers: The MSTing, which it was to be called until 2003 when it was finally changed to MSTF. The next year, 1999, MSTF began using episodes of the various, different Transformers television series as experiments-- four at a time. In between episodes, Sepelak (who also played Sipher) and his cohorts (including Robert Jung, whose website was the source of much of the MSTF information added to this Database) perform skits in front of, and sometimes among, the members of the audience. MSTF did not appear at BotCon 2002. But, since writing for the 2002 show had already begun when circumstances forced its cancellation, Sepelak and pals finished up the script and performed what would have been the 2002 show at the 2003 Official Transformers Collectors' Convention in Chicago-- with appropriate changes to account for the timeliness of some of the jokes. Sepelak says that there are plans for MSTF to be performed at OTCC 2004, and like the recently disbanded Mystery Anime Theater 3000, the Transformers-based experimental content of MSTF is going to be kept a secret until showtime. If past shows are any indication, though, nothing in the Transformers universe is safe from the MSTF treatment; in 2003, a Transformers "Read & See" video (made by Kid Vid / Kid Stuff) was used as an experiment. One of Sipher's lines from the show sums it up nicely:"I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE, AND I BRING YOU CHILDRENS' ENTERTAINMENT!!!"
They even made made light of the ravenous toy-buying of the convention-goers in a song parody of "Dare" from the Transformers movie soundtrack called "Spend". But, it's all in fun, and it's apparent that everyone knows it-- even the Transformers alumni. One of which, Vince DiCola, who composed the TF:TM soundtrack, teamed up with MSTF to play back-up keyboard on a parody of one of his own songs! Sepelak says that there are on-going discussions about an MSTF performance at the very last BotCon (this year is it's last year), but it's unsure whether or not there will be such a performance. So, right now, your best bet at seeing MSTF in-person, this year, is OTCC 2004, which will be held in Chicago July 30th - August 1st.
23 January 2004:
Kevin "Croooow" Nelson reports that his fanvid project is on hold. Back in March of 2003, after previously having declared that it was abandoned, he said that he hoped that it could be "reformed by the end of the year". Kevin went off to college and had hoped to be able to bring his sets and props with him, but circumstances being what they were (ending up in one of those tiny college dorm rooms-- with a roommate), he was forced to leave everything behind. Fate then, Kevin reveals, dealt a heavy blow:As it ended up, the electrical contractor who was nice enough to store my sets and some props (including my Techtronix 117-HHX control panel) had a lull in work and decided it would be a good idea to throw away everything. [sic] However, I still have the script, the film, the bots and the desire.
The Deep 13 set escaped destruction, though, and Kevin hopes to eventually get the project off the ground again. But, in the meantime, he's doing that college thing and has started his own online comic called Newscast. Other MSTie-made online comics include Cinerama, Newshounds, and A Miracle of Science; which are produced by David B. Grelck (Film Bunker), T.K. Dye (Mystery Fandom Theater 3000), and Mark Sachs and Jon Kilgannon (Mystery Anime Theater 3000), respectively.
21 January 2004:
Up Late Productions announces that its latest experiment, King Kong vs. Godzilla, is completed. This will be the first episode in B-Movie Central 5000's second season, which Jason Soto (the producer) says will be thirteen episodes long. An announcement of the year's second experiment is expected in February.
18 January 2004:
WDBG Productions, the guys who made the FIlm Bunker fanvid, have an online cartoon online called Cinerama.
14 January 2004:
According to it's producer, Andrew Bergstrom, the live performance of Mystery Science Theater 2000 that was planned for this year's Farpoint has been cancelled. However, Bergstrom does hope to be able to put MST2K on again next year. Farpoint 2004 ("a science fiction media convention") will be held February 13-15 at the Hunt Valley Inn in Hunt Valley, Maryland.
10 January 2004:
Frank Koenen says that he will be doing Plan 9 From Outer Space as the first experiment of his brand new fanvid project, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Remake (A.K.A. MST3K2). He expects to have it completed sometime in late March. The next three experiments will be Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, Xanadu, and The Lizzie McGuire Movie, which are expected to be completed in early April, late April, and early May, respectively. Koenen, like Jason Soto, is the lone person working on his project, but hopes to find some other people interested in helping him with his plan for a thirteen episode season of MST3K2.
08 January 2004:
Due to Up Late Productions having beat them to it, Perfect Pencils has replaced King Kong vs. Godzilla with Curse of the Fly its experiment line-up.
06 January 2004:
Mark Sachs, who played Joel Satoame in the Mystery Anime Theater 3000 live-show, has informed this database that there will be no more MAT3K. In the Post-Script portion of her retrospective of the Penn State Monty Python Society, Alyce Wilson writes:Although they've decided to end on a high note and discontinue the project, rumor has it that they may just put their minds together and come up with more comedy endeavors in the future.
MAT3K was a fan-produced, MST3K-style live-performance put on at the Otakon anime convention. It was written by, and starred, former members of MPS (as well as other, non-MPS folks), and featured experiments from Japanese animation. The show's inaugural experiment, in 1997, was M.D. Geist, with Crusher Joe capping off a seven year run in 2003.
Jason Soto is back! Up Late Productions announces the upcoming second season of B-Movie Central 5000. The first episode of the 2004 season will feature the experiment King Kong vs. Godzilla. Soto says that he hopes to do thirteen more episodes this year-- about one a month. He did thirteen episodes in 2003 but, this year, he isn't waiting until March to get started!
According to it's producer, there may not be a performance of the Mystery Science Theater 2000 live-show this year. Nothing further is known, but will be reported when it is.
02 January 2004: Happy New Year!
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database celebrates its one year anniversary! Boy, how time flies when there's MST3K fanvids and live-performances to report and list and enjoy! This year promises to be another great year for MST3K fandom. Have fun! Watch fanvids! Go to see fan-produced live-performances! HIKEEBA!
Mysterious Theatre 337 will be performed at this years Gallifrey One convention! The performance will start at 9:00PM on Saturday, February 14, 2004. The experiment will be the Doctor Who made-for-TV movie that was shown on the Fox network in 1996. The Federation has performed MT337, which features episodes and movies from the British science fiction series Doctor Who, at scienty-fiction conventions since 1996.
Michael Herrick says that his fanvid project, which has been given the working title of Mystery Science Theater 4000, will have the movie Laser Mission as its first experiment. The project is currently in pre-production; shadorama tests were done a few months ago, and an original door sequence is in the works. The bots are still being constructed, and the script is still in the works, so a completion date has not yet been determined. The fanvid will have the orignal bots (Crow, Servo, etc.), an SOL set, a Deep 13 style set, a new premis, and a new set of human characters.
26 December 2003:
Pedge Jameson, producer of the MST Extreme (MST-X) fanvid project, has revealed to The Author that the project is dead. The reason given was that his partner had decided that he "wanted to be in a punk band". So, the project was effectively dropped sometime in late 2001. Jameson has since gone on to do Internet radio. This past Sunday, one of his guests was Eddie Deezen, who MSTies may recognize as Froggy from the movie Laserblast.
22 December 2003:
Up Late Productions announces the completion of it's latest experiment: Elves.
B-Movie Central 5000: Elves has been confirmed and added to The List. This episode is the final episode of what ULP calls the "first season" of BMC5K, bringing the total number of episodes to thirteen. It's also the third BMC5K "special holiday" episode, with the special holiday being Christmas, and features a special Christmas holiday themed movie starring Grizzly Adams (actor Dan Haggerty). Jason says there will be no more episodes produced this year, but the second "season" of BMC5K will start production sometime early in 2004.
Jason Soto, B-Movie Central 5000 and Up Late Productions auteur, with the completion of his thirteenth fanvid, has become the most prolific producer in MST3K fandom. The title of "Most Prolific" was previously held by professional writer Peter David (Babylon 5, Star Trek), whose Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 has been performed live at the Shore Leave science fiction convention a total of twelve times since 1992.
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database wishes everyone a merry, and very Swayze, Christmas and a happy New Year! May your fanvid projects of 2004 go off without a hitch. HIKEEBA!
19 December 2003:
Satellite News confirms that Mike will lend his voice to the Legend Films DVD release of a re-mastered and colorized version of the film Reefer Madness. This release is doubly relevant to the world of MST3K fanvids. Firstly, because Reefer Madness was the first experiment of Subterranean Cinema Realm. Secondly, because of the inclusion of commentary by Mike Nelson. Legend Films is a company based in San Diego, California that specializes in the colorization of films.
06 December 2003:
B-Movie Central 5000: Slugs has been confirmed and added to The List.
05 December 2003:
Up Late Productions announces the completion of its latest experiment: Slugs.
03 December 2003:
Up Late Productions announces its upcoming third special holiday episode of BMC5K. This time the featured special holiday is Christmas and the special holiday themed experiment will be the movie Elves.
01 December 2003:
At last month's Midwest Furfest, Adam Riggs of Mystery Fandom Theater shared a dealer's table with Mary Jo Pehl, formerly of Best Brain's, Inc. (See 20 November entry below.) Riggs reveals:"I asked her about her view on this sort of fan activity. [sic] Mary Jo stressed that she was in no way part of BBI since the series ended; Jim Mallon remains the owner. She, however, seemed to think it sounded fine but emphasized that her opinion no longer carried any weight."
The upshot being that MFT will need to write to Best Brains, Inc. (read: Jim Mallon) in order to find out what the official BBI position on fanvids is. Adam Riggs has a full write-up of his Furfest experience in
his online journal.
29 November 2003:
B-Movie Central 5000: Lair of the White Worm has been confirmed and added to The List.
23 November 2003:
Sam Swanson has dropped The Eliminators as an experiment and will be replacing it with Roger Corman's never-been-released movie Fantastic Four. Production has not yet begun, but Swanson is very eager to do this new experiment. Although, it will likely feature only a theater segment. Confirmed fanvids which feature only theater segments include Mormon Science Theater 3000 and Bridge to the Future.
20 November 2003:
Several members of the Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 cast and crew will be attending the 2003 Midwest Furfest which starts tomorrow. T.K. Dye, who plays Gypsy on MFT3000 will be there to promote published collections of his Newshounds comic strip which is published through Plan Nine Publising. Dye will be sharing the Plan Nine dealer's table with Mystery Science Theater 3000 alumnus Mary Jo Pehl! Pehl will be there promoting her latest work, a book of humor called I Lived With My Parents and Other Tales of Terror, also published through Plan Nine. This may mark the first time a member of a fanvid project has worked together (although, not in the strictest sense) with a member of the MST3K/Best Brains team. How things turned out, and what high jinks ensued will be reported as soon as information becomes available after the 'fest concludes.
13 November 2003:
Up Late Productions announces the completion of its latest experiment: Lair of the White Worm. ULP calls this the ninth episode of B-Movie Central 5000, but it's technically the eleventh if the two "holiday specials" are counted. The special holiday episodes do not figure into the BMC5K timeline, so Lair of the White Worm is the ninth episode from a continuity standpoint. This episode will bring the BMC5K episode total to eleven.
10 November 2003:
Derek Atkins reports that his project is still in pre-production, having recently tested another method for producing shadorama.
4 November 2003:
Up Late Productions announces that its next experiment will be Lair Of The White Worm.
30 October 2003:
Film Bunker: How Can I Tell If I'm Really In Love?, produced by WDBG Productions, has been confirmed and added to The List.
28 October 2003:
B-Movie Central 5000: Halloween 3: Season of The Witch has been confirmed and added to The List.
27 October 2003:
Due to Up Late Productions having beat them to it, Perfect Pencils has dropped Halloween 3 from its experiment line-up. A replacement has not yet been chosen.
20 October 2003:
Up Late Productions announces the completion of its latest experiment: Halloween 3: Season of The Witch.
19 October 2003:
B-Movie Central 5000: Night Life has been confirmed and added to The List.
13 October 2003
An exclusive interview with the producer of BMC5K, Jason Soto, has been added to the interviews section.
26 September 2003
Up Late Productions announces the completion of its latest experiment: Night Life.
19 September 2003:
B-Movie Central 5000: Horror Express has been confirmed and added to The List.
B-Movie Central 5000: Monster has been confirmed and added to The List.
B-Movie Central 5000: Silent Night, Deadly Night: Part 2 has been confirmed and added to The List.
There is a new database feature called From the Horse's Mouth. It's where you'll find exclusive interviews with fanvid, and live-performance producers. It can be found via the Main Index page under the database features index. The first interview is with Kyle Pittman, producer of MST4000 and MST1985.
14 September 2003:
Up Late Productions announces that its next experiment will be Night Life.
Up Late Productions announces that its second special holiday episode will be celebrating the Halloween holiday. It's set to be released in October, and will feature the experiment: Halloween 3: Season of The Witch.
13 September 2003:
A shadowrama tutorial has been written exclusively for this website. It's called Cheap Shadowrama, and explains how to use a inexpensive webcam and the freeware video editing program Zwei-Stein.
A website has been created for Brian Uiga's Time and the Rani fanvid. It has pictures, production notes, and even a copy of the program passed out at the public premiere!
10 September 2003:
Up Late Productions announces that its Silent Night, Deadly Night: Part 2 experiment is completed.
The Oliver Show, inc.'s Ruth Donnelly says that the project's first experiment will be Death Race 2000.
08 September 2003:
Chris Q. of the CBM3K project says that the project has been abandoned due to lack of interest.
05 September 2003:
Christopher Miller of the MST3K:Ressurection project says that the project is "dead and buried".
30 August 2003:
The folks at Perfect Pencils have put up a website.
Perfect Pencils will no longer be using Destroy All Monsters as an experiment. They will being using King Kong vs. Godzilla instead.
25 August 2003:
Mormon Science Theater 3000: Measure of a Man has been confirmed and added to The List.
23 August 2003:
Mystery Fandom Theater's third episode, Starcrash, is completed, confirmed, and added to The List.
According to a high level MFT3K insider, no particulars (what, when, etc.) of their next episode have yet been decided. They are, however, in the process of selecting the next experiment, but there is no time-frame for completion of the process.
06 August 2003:
The seventh BMC5K experiment will be: Silent Night, Deadly Night: Part 2, announces ULP.
31 July 2003:
Up Late Productions announces the completion of its latest experiment: Monster.
18 July 2003:
Up Late Productions announces its next experiment: Monster.
15 July 2003:
Perfect Pencils, a brand new fanvid production group, announces its first three experiments: Destroy All Monsters, Halloween 3, and The Swarm.
14 July 2003:
This past weekend at Shore Leave 25, Peter David, Bob Greenberger, Michael Jan Friedman, T. A. Chafin, and Andrea Thompson performed the 12th installment of Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000. The featured experiment, which was kept secret until show-time, was Captain's Holiday, an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. T.A. Chafin says that "it was very well recieved."
13 July 2003:
Jason Soto announces that the latest episode of BMC5K is completed. It features the experiment: Horror Express.
26 June 2003:
T.A. Chafin, Star Wars expert and MTT3K mad scientist, has informed this database that Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000 will indeed be performed at Shore Leave this year.
As reported by its one of its producers, Adam A. Hill, there is now an
official website for the Battle of the Worlds fanvid.
NOTICE: The producers of the BOTW fanvid ask that people stop selling copies of their fanvid. Selling fanvids for profit may very well be illegal and they don't want any trouble. From their website, "We desire to stay within the law." So, please refrain from any further selling of this fanvid. If you see this fanvid for sale anywhere, please contact the author of this database or the producers of the fanvid.
20 June 2003:
Jason Soto announces that his latest BMC5K episode is completed. It features the experiment: Uncle Sam.
17 June 2003:
Mystery Fandom Theater says thay their third episode (Starcrash) should be finished sometime in August, if all goes well.
10 June 2003:
Jason Soto announces BMC5K's first holiday themed episode. It will go by the title: Holiday Special 1: Fourth of July, and will feature the experiment: Uncle Sam. Avid fanvid enthuisiasts will remember that Sam Swanson's 'Bot Building Co.' project was supposed to do this experiment before that project died. (See the rumor entry for 'Failure 101 Pictures', for Sam Swanson's current project.)
The producer of MST4K says that due to a dubbing snafu, the rumored episode featuring the experiment Attack of the 50ft. Woman has been lost forever -- without ever having been released. But, the experiment will be reprised under the auspices of Mystery Science Theater 1985, in the not too distant future.
08 June 2003:
There is now a section that lists all sorts of places you can go to talk about MST3K fanvids and such. It's called "Gab-o-rama" and is linked from the main page under the database features index.
31 May 2003
Episode #4 of BMC5K has been added to The List. It features the movie The House of Exorcism (starring Telly Savalas) and an episode of the television show Monsters called The Demons, used as a short.
14 May 2003
Jason Soto's B-Movie Central 5000 episodes featuring the experiments The Burning and House of Psychotic Women have been confirmed.
09 May 2003
Garage Productions is planning on doing a DVD version of their Battle of the Worlds fanvid. A producer's comments audio track is planned, along with some other enhancements. There is no set date for release, but they hope to have it done by the end of the summer.
07 May 2003
Jason Soto announces that The House of Exorcism will be the fourth episode of B-Movie Central 5000 and that Monsters: The Demons will be used as a short.
Ernest Q. Bourne, co-producer of the Battle of the Worlds fanvid, was tracked down through the research efforts of The Author. Bourne was kind enough to clarify some details, and to provide some information about the Battle of the Worlds production which were previously unknown.
A source at Mystery Fandom Theater says that post-production of their Starcrash episode has been delayed. Completion of the episode is not likely until sometime after this summer.
01 May 2003
Jason Soto says that the second and third episodes of B-Movie Central 5000 are now finished.
24 April 2003:
The MSTies Anonymous Poobah says that the encore performance of the MSTies Anonymous of Colorado production of MST Alive! "went pretty well" even though it rained that day (yesterday). There are no plans for any future shows from MSTies Anonymous, but there are plans to sell video tapes of both of the performances.
Jason Soto announced that the third B-Movie Central 5000 experiment will be House of Psychotic Women. (A Spanish-made movie which was apparently banned in Finland.) He says that the host segments are finished, and the theater segments are in the works.
17 April 2003:
The website has been renamed. It is now known as The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid and Live-performance Database. The name change reflects the integration of live, fan-produced MST3K performance information, which previously had been housed seperately in the The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fan-production Database.
16 April 2003:
MSTies Anonymous of Colorado has announced that there will be an encore presentation of their MST Alive! on April 23, 2003. They have written some new material for the show, which will should make it a brand new experience. The premier was on March 29 of this year. The show features a live performance of MST3K, with an unique experiment -- a specially written B-grade stageplay called The Dread Women of San Pedro!. MSTies Anonymous was given permission by Best Brains, Inc. to put on this not-for-profit event which is to be performed in the Lory Student Center Theater of Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Fort Collins, Colorado.
15 April 2003:
There is a new addition to The List! Jason Soto's B-Movie Central 5000 has been confirmed as being in existence and has thus qualified to be listed. Jason Soto's entry in the rumors has not been removed, only the entry for his first episode. He says there is a second completed episode, but it is not yet confirmed.
05 April 2003
Jason Soto has said that B-Movie Central 5000's first episode is now finally ready for public consumption.
26 March 2003:
Jason Soto's first B-Movie Central 5000 episode is undergoing a little re-working. So, although it was previously said to be completed, there will be some time before it is actually released.
25 March 2003:
Sam Swanson's new project is still on track. His group will be called Failure 101 Pictures, and the first experiment will be The Eliminators.
12 March 2003:
Jason Soto says that the first B-Movie Central 5000 episode has been completed. (See March 26 update.)
07 March 2003:
Jason Soto says that his B-Movie Central 5000 project is working on Hard Mustard as its first experiment. (Your mustard may vary.)
Even though he had previously stated that his project (and that of Rob Phillips) had been abandoned, Kevin "Crooooow" Nelson now reports that his project has not been abandoned, but meerly disassembled. "It will be reformed (hopefully) by the end of the year."
03 March 2003:
Michael Sharp has unveiled his Mystery Science Tulsa 3000 project. The first experiment will be Timecop.
01 March 2003:
The website has been renamed. It is now known as The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanvid Database. The old name (An Exhaustive List of Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fan-made Videos) will continue to be used at the Database's Ward-e entry at Satellite News.
The website has been redesigned to reflect the nature of the name change.
There is now a section for tutorials written by fanvid producers explaining the technical aspects of fanvid production.
14 February 2003:
Brian Ortiz says that his Shortbus Productions is working on Creature from the Black Lagoon.
10 February 2003:
Sam Swanson, the person responsible for the Bot Building Co. project, says that the BBCo. project is dead. But, he is doing another project under a different name.
Classic Arrow Productions says that Jurassic Park 3 will be their first experiment.
04 February 2003:
There is now a section for projects which have either been announced by their producers as being dead/abandoned or have spent so much time on the rumors list with no new information coming to light that all hope is lost for them ever being completed (or having ever been in production, as the case may be).
Derek Atkins says that his production is "still in progress."
M3 Studios announces that the first movie of Mystery Science Theater 1985 will be Creepshow 2.
January 2003:
The web-site is launched.
There is widespread rejoicing throughout the world.
And so it begins.